cyrusin / leetcode

Resolution of some algorithm problems in C

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For Leetcode and other algorithm problems

File description

  1. 2_add_two_numbers.c: Add two numbers
  2. 3_solution.c: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  3. space_urlencode.c: Change space to '%20' in O(n)
  4. ./two_dimension_binary_search.c: Binary search in two dimension sorted array
  5. ./6_zigzag.c: ZigZag Conversion
  6. ./7_reverse_integer.c: Reverse Integers
  7. ./string2int.c: String to Integer
  8. ./search_number_appeared_more_than_half.c: 找出数组中出现次数超过一半的数
  9. ./152_maximum_product_subarray.c: Maximum Product Subarray
  10. ./9_palindrome_number.c: 回文数, O(1)空间复杂度
  11. ./14_longest_common_prefix.c: Longest common prefix
  12. ./19_Remove_Nth_Node_From_End_of_List.c: Remove Nth Node From End of List
  13. ./20. Valid Parentheses: Valid Parentheses
  14. ./21_Merge_Two_Sorted_Lists.c: Merge two sorted lists
  15. ./24_Swap_Nodes_in_Pairs.c: Swap nodes in pairs
  16. ./26_Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_Array.c: Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
  17. ./27_Remove_Element.c: Remove Element
  18. ./38_Count_and_Say.c: 38. Count and Say
  19. ./58_Length_of_Last_Word.c: 58. Length of Last Word
  20. ./66_Plus_One.c: 66. Plus one
  21. ./67_Add_Binary.c: 67. Add Binary
  22. ./70_Climbing_Stairs.c: 70. Climbing Stairs
  23. ./83_Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_List.c: 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List


  1. Compile: gcc -c <file-name>.c -o a.out
  2. Run: ./a.out


Resolution of some algorithm problems in C


Language:C 100.0%