cyrilkiller / tapestry-breadcrumbs

BreadCrumb trail component for Tapestry5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tapestry-breadcrumbs is a bread crumb trail implementation for Tapestry 5.

It's implemented as an annotation to be placed at each page-class that should be part of the trail, a Dispatcher which looks for the annotation and inserts the page into the list of bread crumbs and two components to be used in your templates where you want the crumb trail to be displayed.


Add a dependency to your POM:


Add the annotation to your page-classes:

public class Index {

The titleKey is the key into the message catalog that the title of the crumb should use.

Add the crumb trail to your template:

  <li t:type="crumb/breadcrumbtrail" t:value="breadCrumb">
    <a t:type="crumb/displaybreadcrumb" t:breadcrumb="breadCrumb" />

You also need a property for holding the bread crumb when rendering the trail. This should be in your page or layout class depending on where you place the trail:

private BreadCrumbInfo breadCrumb;


BreadCrumb trail component for Tapestry5
