AtCoder CommandLine Alias (w/ cargo-atcoder)
Copy bin/ac
or Clone this repository and PATH to it.
Please chmod +x
if need.
# For Example:
git clone ~/git/ac
export PATH=$PATH:~/git/ac/bin
This uses cargo-atcoder.
Alias for `cargo atcoder new <CONTEST_ID> [OPTIONS]`
# Under the Contest Directory
ac test <PROBLEM_ID>
Alias for `cargo atcoder test <PROBLEM_ID>`
ac test
`PROBLEM_ID` will be the one just you have tested (with `ac test ...`).
ac test <PROBLEM_ID> <CASE_ID>
Alias for `cargo atcoder test <PROBLEM_ID> <CASE_ID>`
ac test <PROBLEM_ID> -
Test with `stdin`
Test with `<INPUT_FILE_PATH>`.
where `INPUT_FILE_PATH` should NOT be `-`, `1`, `2` or ...
ac submit <PROBLEM_ID> [OPTIONS]
Alias for `cargo atcoder submit <PROBLEM_ID> [OPTIONS]`
ac submit
`PROBLEM_ID` will be the one just you have tested (with `ac test`).
ac status
Alias for `cargo atcoder status`
ac edit <PROBLEM_ID>
Open `src/bin/<PROBLEM_ID>.rs` with \$EDITOR