cychiuae / authgear-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Work in progress


If you see an error cannot change secret value when you attempt to save secrets, please make sure the content of authgear.secrets.yaml matches APP_SECRET_* environment variables.

HTTPS setup

If you are testing external OAuth provider, you must enable TLS.

  1. Cookie is only included in third party redirect if it has SameSite=None attribute.
  2. Cookie with SameSite=None attribute without Secure attribute is rejected.

To setup HTTPS easily, you can use mkcert

# Install mkcert.
brew install mkcert
# Install the root CA into Keychain Access.
mkcert -install
# Create TLS certificate and private key with the given host.
mkcert -cert-file tls-cert.pem -key-file tls-key.pem localhost ::1

One caveat is HTTP redirect to HTTPS is not supported, you have to type in https in the browser address bar manually.


Note that there is a local .tool-versions in project root. For the following setup to work, we need to

  1. Install asdf

  2. Run the following to install all dependencies in .tool-versions

    asdf install
  3. Install icu4c

On macOS, the simplest way is to install it with brew

brew install icu4c

Note that by default icu4c is not symlinked to /usr/local, so you have to ensure your shell has the following in effect

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig"

To avoid doing the above every time you open a new shell, you may want to add it to your shell initialization script such as ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc.

Database setup

  1. Setup dependencies:

    make vendor
  2. Setup environment variables (in .env):

    cp .env.example .env
  3. start db container

    docker-compose up db
  4. Create a schema:

    Run the following SQL command with command line to such as psql or DB viewer such as Postico

  5. Initialize app

    To generate the necessary config and secret yaml file, run

    go run ./cmd/authgear init config --output ./var/authgear.yaml
    go run ./cmd/authgear init secrets --output ./var/authgear.secrets.yaml

    then follow the instructions. For database URL and schema, use the following,

  6. Apply database schema migrations:

    make sure the db container is running

    go run ./cmd/authgear migrate up -f ./var/authgear.secrets.yaml

To create new migration:

# go run ./cmd/authgear migrate new <migration name>
go run ./cmd/authgear migrate new add user table

Run server

To run development server, we need to start db and redis container

docker-compose up -d db redis

Then run the command

# in project root
go run ./cmd/authgear start

To run graphql server

# in project root
go run ./cmd/portal start

Setup portal

Please refer to Portal setup guide

Comment tags

  • FIXME: Should be fixed as soon as possible
  • TODO: Should be done when someone really needs it.
  • OPTIMIZE: Should be done when it really becomes a performance issue.
  • SECURITY: Known potential security issue.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 66.5%Language:TypeScript 23.4%Language:HTML 6.9%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:SCSS 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%