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▪︎The Public Version Of WhatsAsenaDuplicated [ First Release which Deployed On Heroku ] 🐺
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▪︎Added More Commands
▪︎Helper Phaticusthiccy
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Asena; Asena UserBot are names representing WhatsAsena software, they can be used interchangeably in the rest of the article.
WhatsAsena - Asena Userbot is Open Source software open to development.
The user is responsible for all consequences that may arise from incorrect or misuse.
Since it is an open source project, anyone can copy the software and make additions and deletions,
can use it in the way that it has customized. In addition, plugin support,
By installing the plug-ins written by the users into the original software, they can
It provides the feature to use them in a way.
Its use is entirely at the user's own risk.
Misuse of the bot will explicitly ban you.
Asena Userbot is just an infrastructure. How to install programs
If the operating system is not responsible for the work done,
WhatsAsena is also not responsible for the purpose and method of use of the users.
Marketing WhatsAsena for money, making it available or having any monetary value
It is strictly forbidden to offer it for sale with anything. From all legal investigations that may arise
the user is responsible.
WhatsAsena - Asena Userbot is Open Source software open to development.
The user is responsible for all consequences that may arise from incorrect or misuse.
Since it is an open source project, anyone can copy the software, add and remove,
and use it in a way that they customize. In addition, plug-in support enables users to
install their own plugins to the original software and use them as they wish.
Using the bot out of purpose will explicitly ban you.
Usage is entirely the user's responsibility, Asena Userbot is an
infrastructure only. Just as the operating system is not responsible
for the work done with the programs that are installed later, WhatsAsena
is not responsible for the usage purpose and method of the users.
Marketing WhatsAsena for money, making it available or having any material value
It is strictly forbidden to offer it for sale with anything. All legal investigations that may arise
the user is responsible.
WhatsAsenaPublic - Made By Toxic Devil.
$ git clone https://github.com/TOXIC-DEVIL/WhatsAsenaPublic.git
$ cd WhatsAsenaPublic
$ npm i @adiwajshing/baileys
$ npm i chalk
$ node qr.js
.notes = Fixed notes ✅🛠
All Features 📢 | Available ☑️ | Version 🔎 |
Admin Commands | ✅ | 1.0 |
AFK | ✅ | 1.2 |
AI Scanner | ✅ | 1.1 |
Add & Kick User | ✅ | 1.0 |
Carbon.sh Plugin | ✅ | 1.4 |
Deep AI APIs | ✅ | 1.0 |
Ban & Unban User | ✅ | 1.0 |
FFMPEG Support | ✅ | 1.6 |
Filter Support | ✅ | 1.2 |
Greetings Support | ✅ | 1.2 |
Group Link Generator | ✅ | 1.0 |
Heroku Plugin | ✅ | 1.5 |
Jid Scraper | ✅ | 1.0 |
Location Plugin | ✅ | 1.0 |
Lydia | ✅ | 1.2 |
Music Downloader | ✅ | 1.2 |
Meme Maker | ✅ | 1.0 |
Mute & Unmute Chat | ✅ | 1.3 |
Nekobin Plugin | ❌ | 1.0 |
OCR Plugin | ✅ | 1.2 |
Plugin Support | ✅ | 1.0 |
Pre-Trained Effects | ✅ | 3.2 |
Promote & Demote User | ✅ | 1.1 |
Remove BG Plugin | ✅ | 1.0 |
Youtube Downloader | ✅ | 1.2 |
Scam Actions | ✅ | 1.3 |
Scrapers | ✅ | 1.5 |
Spammer | ✅ | 1.4 |
Speedtest | 🛠️ | 1.6 |
Sticker Maker | ✅ | 1.0 |
Tagall | ✅ | 1.0 |
Google TTS | ✅ | 1.6 |
Unvoice | ✅ | 1.3 |
Web Screenshot Plugin | ✅ | 1.5 |
Wallpaper Plugin | ✅ | 1.4 |
randanime Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
nekoanime Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Dice Game | ✅ | 1.6 |
Mood Game | ✅ | 1.6 |
effectimg Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Glitch Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
UnderWater Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Flower Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Shadow Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
candy Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Latte Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Wood Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
8bit Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Harry Potter Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Sparkling Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
WaterColour Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Ninja Logo Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
NeonLight Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
3dtext Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
burn Plugin | ✅ | 1.6 |
Command 💻 | Description ℹ️ |
.asena | Shows all existing commands. |
.alive | Checks if the bot is running. |
.ban | Kick the user from the group. |
.afk | It makes you AFK. Sends the afk message when you receive a private message or tag. |
.term | Allows the ability to execute commands on the server shell. |
.block | It blocks the user from WhatsApp. |
.unblock | It unblocks the user from WhatsApp. |
.add | Adds people to the group. |
.plugin | Shows the plugins you have installed. |
.install | It installs plugins. |
.remove | It delete plugins. |
.xmedia | It shows preset effects that you can apply to photo, video, and sound. |
.unvoice | Sends any sound as a voice message. |
.scam | It does fake actions. |
.carbon | Converts the text to the code picture. |
.promote | Makes someone in the group admin. |
.demote | It takes admin from someone in the group. |
.mute | Close the chat. |
.unmute | Open the chat. |
.invite | Sends the link to the group. |
.mp4audio | Converts video to sound. |
.imagesticker | Converts image sticker to photo. |
.ffmpeg | It applies the desired ffmpeg filter to the video. |
.filter | Adds a filter. It is active when someone writes the filter. |
.stop | Stops the filter. |
.ss | Takes a screenshot of the page in the given link. |
.welcome | Sends a message to those who enter the group. |
.goodbye | Sends a message to those leaving the group. |
.restart | Restarts the bot. |
.shutdown | Shutdown the bot. |
.dyno | Displays your remaining dyno hours. |
.getvar | Shows the config var status. |
.setvar | Sets the config var. |
.delvar | Remove the config var. |
.locate | It sends your location quickly. |
.addlydia | It activates the artificial intelligence chat. |
.rmlydia | Stops Artificial intelligence chatting. |
.meme | It makes a meme to the photo. |
.neko | It saves the message you answered to Nekobin. |
.ocr | Reads the text in the photograph and translates it into text. |
.kickme | It will kick you out of the group you are. |
.pp | It makes the profile photo which you reply to. |
.jid | It shows the jid address of any person. |
.removebg | Removes the background of the photo you replied to. |
.trt | Translates between languages. |
.tts | Converts text to voice message. |
.currency | Converts currencies. |
.song | It downloads the song you wrote. |
.yt | Search on Youtube. |
.video | Downloads video from Youtube. |
.wiki | Searches on Wikipedia. |
.img | It downloads 5 photos from the word you wrote. |
.spam | It will send your typed text as spam until you stop it. |
.killspam | It stops spam. |
.sticker | It makes a photo or video to sticker. |
.sysd | Shows system properties. |
.tagall | Tags everyone in the group. |
.update | Checks for updates. |
.update now | Update the bot. |
.weather | Shows the weather of the city you are typing in. |
.ping | Ping meter! |
.speedtest | Makes speed test. |
.deepai | Provides a list of AI tools that use deep learning with Deep AI artificial intelligence. |
.wallpaper | Sends random high resolution wallpaper. |
.randanime | It Sends Random anime |
.nekoanime | It Sends Random neko anime |
.dice | To Play Dice Game |
.mood | To Play Mood Game |
.effectimg | Set Of Commands Which Converts Text To Effective Images |
.glitch | It sends Glitch Style Image with the text provide |
.underwater | It Send a ocean Image with the text provided |
.flower | It Sends a Flower image with the text provided |
.burn | It Sends a half burned paper image with the text provided |
.candy | It Sends a candy image with the text provided |
.wood | It Sends a wood curved image with the text provided |
.latte | It Put the text as latte art with in coffee cup |
.8bit | converts the text into 8bit style image |
.shadow | Converts the text into shadow style image |
.harrypotter | Converts the text into harry potter image |
.sparkling | Converts the text into sparkling image |
.watercolour | converts text into watercolour image |
.ninjalogo | Added the given text to the ninja logo |
.neonlight | Converts the text into neon light image |
.3dtext | Converts the text into neon light image |
Command 💻 | Description ℹ️ |
.mp4enhance | It improves the quality of the video. |
.x2mp4 | It reduces the quality of the video by 2 times. |
.x4mp4 | It reduces the quality of the video by 4 times. |
.mp4reverse | Plays the video in reverse. |
.mp4blur | Blurs the video background. |
.mp4vintage | Applies a vintage effect to the video. |
.mp4bw | Applies a monochrome effect to the video. |
.mp4edge | It calculates the depth of the viden and applies the neon edge effect accordingly. |
.mp4image | Converts photo to 5 seconds video. |
.gif | It makes the video gif. |
.agif | Makes the video an audio gif. |
.spectrum | It converts the spectrum of sound into video. |
.avec | Converts the frequency range of the sound to 3D video. |
.waves | It converts the wavelengths of sound into video. |
.frequency | Converts the frequency of the sound to video. |
.volumeaudio | Converts the decibel value of sound to video. |
.cqtaudio | Converts the cqt value of audio to video. |
.mp3eq | Adjusts the sound to a crystal clear level. |
.mp3low | It makes the sound deep and slow. |
.mp3pitch | It refines and accelerates the sound. |
.mp3crusher | It distorts the sound, makes it ridiculous. |
.mp3reverse | Plays the sound in reverse. |
.x2mp3 | It speeds up the sound 2 times. |
.mp3volume | It increases the sound level 6 times. |
.bwimage | Makes the photo black and white. |
.vintageimage | Applies a vintage effect to the photo. |
.edgeimage | It calculates the depth of the photo and appropriately applies an edge effect. |
.enhanceimage | It improves the quality of the photo. |
.grenimage | Applies a grain effect to the photo. |
.blurimage | Blurs the background of the photo. |
Command 💻 | Description ℹ️ |
.scam typing | It shows you typing for 5 minutes. |
.scam recording | It shows you as recording for 5 minutes. |
.scam online | It shows you online for 5 minutes. |
.scam stop | Stops fake actions. |
Command 💻 | Description ℹ️ |
.colorai | Colorizes the photo. |
.superai | It improves the image quality. |
.dreamai | Applies a deepdream effect to the photo. |
.waifuai | It mixes the color palettes of photo. |
.neuraltalkai | Explain the incident in the photo. |
.toonai | Applies a cartoon effect to the face of image. |
.ttiai | Generates nonexistent photos from your sentence. |
.moodai | It determines your mood from the sentence you write. |
.textai | Creates a virtual story from your sentence. |
.nudityai | Shows the NSFW value of the photo between 1 and 0. |
.ganstyle | Combines pictures with the image link in Config Vars with the help of artificial intelligence. |