You will need to install Tailscale manually and make sure all your vpses have been connected in the tailscale network.
For the requirements below, you can install it yourself if you want to use this dashboard without docker, otherwise these requirements has been provided in the docker-compose.
- Web server (Apache2, nginx, or others)
- PHP 8.2
- Mongodb + Mongodb php driver
- Composer
Add your current user to www-data group if you haven't
sudo usermod -a -G www-data $USER
Logout and login if you done step 2
Go to /var/www/ folder. Create it if it doesn't exist yet using this steps
cd /var
sudo mkdir www
sudo chown root:root /var/www
sudo chmod 755 /var/www/
cd www
Clone this project
sudo git clone
Give appropriate permissions
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data /var/www/ft-dashboard
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/ft-dashboard
Copy the bots.json.example into bots.json and put the talscale ip, username, and password for all the bots
cp bots.json.example bots.json
Copy the .env.example into .env and put change relevant info (if any)
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm php composer install
docker-compose up -d
Install some required libraries through composer
composer install
Setup cronjob to fetch the data from APIs regularly
crontab -e
*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php <address to the folder>/scripts/fetch_data.php
The command above will fetch the data every 10 minutes. Change it to suit your preference. -
Go to scripts/fetch_data.php, find this line
if ($interval >= 600)
and change the value (in seconds) to match the time you set at your cronjob -
Customize the page yourself to suit your preference, or you can just use it as it is.
Vultr for server and bot hosting (you get $100 credit that expires in 14 days) (Non-US citizen)
Github sponsor -
Patreon (for donation only, no extra perks) -
- BTC: 1FghqtgGLpD9F21BNDMje4iyj4cSzVPZPb
- ERC20 : 0x1b7b65e64f3d944d29ba025c3ad0bb9389492370
- TRC20 : TDqRvLXwbkCkBrhdsCm7aDNhfzeJqLRr94
- BEP20 : 0x1b7b65e64f3d944d29ba025c3ad0bb9389492370