cyberhorsey / errors

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Errors Utility

This package provides utility methods for error handling in Go, such as error types, context, pointer, and detail. The utility methods build on the functionality in


Create a new error of a specific type, with detail:

doc, err := jsonapi.DecodeRequest(r, "account", req)
if err != nil {
  return errors.BadRequest.NewWithDetail("Invalid request body")

Wrap an error:

err := errors.New("an_error")
err = errors.AddErrorContext(err, "field", "value")
wrappedErr := errors.BadRequest.Wrapf(err, "error %s", "1")

Handle errors of specific types with pointer/detail:

switch errors.GetType(err) {
case errors.NotFound:
  status = http.StatusNotFound
  title = "Not Found"
case errors.InvalidParameter:
  status = http.StatusBadRequest
  title = "Invalid Parameter"
case errors.MissingParameter:
  status = http.StatusBadRequest
  title = "Missing Parameter"
case errors.Validation, errors.Public:
  title = "Resource Invalid"
  status = http.StatusUnprocessableEntity
case errors.BadRequest:
  title = "Bad Request"
  status = http.StatusBadRequest
case errors.Forbidden:
  title = "Forbidden"
  status = http.StatusForbidden
  status = http.StatusInternalServerError
  title = "Internal Server Error"
pointer := errors.Pointer(err)
detail := errors.Detail(err)

Add/retrieve error context:

err := errors.BadRequest.New("an_error")
errWithContext := errors.AddErrorContext(err, "field1", "the field is empty")
fmt.Println(errors.GetErrorContextValue(errWithContext, "field1"))

Get original error cause from wrapped error:

cusErr := customError{}
wrappedErr := errors.Wrap(cusErr, "wrapped customError")
wrappedErr = errors.Wrap(wrappedErr, "outer wrapped customError")
wrappedErr = errors.Wrap(wrappedErr, "outer outer wrapped customError")
causeErr := errors.Cause(wrappedErr)
originalErr, ok := causeErr.(customError)
# originalErr == cusErr

See more examples in errors_test.go.



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