cyber-phys / ULTRA

A foundation model for knowledge graph reasoning

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ULTRA: Towards Foundation Models for Knowledge Graph Reasoning

pytorch pyg arxiv HuggingFace Hub license


PyG implementation of ULTRA, a foundation model for KG reasoning. Authored by Michael Galkin, Zhaocheng Zhu, and Xinyu Yuan. Logo generated by DALL·E 3.


ULTRA is a foundation model for knowledge graph (KG) reasoning. A single pre-trained ULTRA model performs link prediction tasks on any multi-relational graph with any entity / relation vocabulary. Performance-wise averaged on 50+ KGs, a single pre-trained ULTRA model is better in the 0-shot inference mode than many SOTA models trained specifically on each graph. Following the pretrain-finetune paradigm of foundation models, you can run a pre-trained ULTRA checkpoint immediately in the zero-shot manner on any graph as well as use more fine-tuning.

ULTRA provides unified, learnable, transferable representations for any KG. Under the hood, ULTRA employs graph neural networks and modified versions of NBFNet. ULTRA does not learn any entity and relation embeddings specific to a downstream graph but instead obtains relative relation representations based on interactions between relations.

The original implementation with the TorchDrug framework is available here for reproduction purposes.

This repository is based on PyTorch 2.1 and PyTorch-Geometric 2.4.

Your superpowers ⚡️:

Table of contents:


  • Jan 15th, 2024: Accepted at ICLR 2024!
  • Dec 4th, 2023: Added a new ULTRA checkpoint ultra_50g pre-trained on 50 graphs. Averaged over 16 larger transductive graphs, it delivers 0.389 MRR / 0.549 Hits@10 compared to 0.329 MRR / 0.479 Hits@10 of the ultra_3g checkpoint. The inductive performance is still as good! Use this checkpoint for inference on larger graphs.
  • Dec 4th, 2023: Pre-trained ULTRA models (3g, 4g, 50g) are now also available on the HuggingFace Hub!


You may install the dependencies via either conda or pip. Ultra PyG is implemented with Python 3.9, PyTorch 2.1 and PyG 2.4 (CUDA 11.8 or later when running on GPUs). If you are on a Mac, you may omit the CUDA toolkit requirements.

From Conda

conda install pytorch=2.1.0 pytorch-cuda=11.8 cudatoolkit=11.8 pytorch-scatter=2.1.2 pyg=2.4.0 -c pytorch -c nvidia -c pyg -c conda-forge
conda install ninja easydict pyyaml -c conda-forge

From Pip

pip install torch==2.1.0 --index-url
pip install torch-scatter==2.1.2 torch-sparse==0.6.18 torch-geometric==2.4.0 -f
pip install ninja easydict pyyaml
Compilation of the `rspmm` kernel

To make relational message passing iteration O(V) instead of O(E) we ship a custom rspmm kernel that will be compiled automatically upon the first launch. The rspmm kernel supports transe and distmult message functions, others like rotate will resort to full edge materialization and O(E) complexity.

The kernel can be compiled on both CPUs (including M1/M2 on Macs) and GPUs (it is done only once and then cached). For GPUs, you need a CUDA 11.8+ toolkit with the nvcc compiler. If you are deploying this in a Docker container, make sure to start from the devel images that contain nvcc in addition to plain CUDA runtime.

Make sure your CUDA_HOME variable is set properly to avoid potential compilation errors, eg

export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.8/


We provide two pre-trained ULTRA checkpoints in the /ckpts folder of the same model size (6-layer GNNs per relation and entity graphs, 64d, 168k total parameters) trained on 4 x A100 GPUs with this codebase:

  • ultra_3g.pth: trained on FB15k237, WN18RR, CoDExMedium for 800,000 steps, config is in /config/transductive/pretrain_3g.yaml
  • ultra_4g.pth: trained on FB15k237, WN18RR, CoDExMedium, NELL995 for 400,000 steps, config is in /config/transductive/pretrain_4g.yaml

You can use those checkpoints for zero-shot inference on any graph (including your own) or use it as a backbone for fine-tuning. Both checkpoints are rather small (2 MB each).

Zero-shot performance of the checkpoints compared to the paper version (PyG experiments were run on a single RTX 3090, PyTorch 2.1, PyG 2.4, CUDA 11.8 using the script in this repo):

Model Inductive (e) (18 graphs) Inductive (e,r) (23 graphs)
MRR Hits@10 MRR Hits@10
ULTRA (3g) Paper 0.430 0.566 0.345 0.512
ULTRA (4g) Paper 0.439 0.580 0.352 0.518
ULTRA (3g) PyG 0.420 0.562 0.344 0.511
ULTRA (4g) PyG 0.444 0.588 0.344 0.513

Run Inference and Fine-tuning

The /scripts folder contains 3 executable files:

  • - run an experiment on a single dataset
  • - run experiments on several datasets sequentially and dump results into a CSV file
  • - a script for pre-training ULTRA on several graphs

The yaml configs in the config folder are provided for both transductive and inductive datasets.

Run a single experiment

The command requires the following arguments:

  • -c <yaml config>: a path to the yaml config
  • --dataset: dataset name (from the list of datasets)
  • --version: a version of the inductive dataset (see all in datasets), not needed for transductive graphs. For example, --dataset FB15k237Inductive --version v1 will load one of the GraIL inductive datasets.
  • --epochs: number of epochs to train, --epochs 0 means running zero-shot inference.
  • --bpe: batches per epoch (replaces the length of the dataloader as default value). --bpe 100 --epochs 10 means that each epoch consists of 100 batches, and overall training is 1000 batches. Set --bpe null to use the full length dataloader or comment the bpe line in the yaml configs.
  • --gpus: number of gpu devices, set to --gpus null when running on CPUs, --gpus [0] for a single GPU, or otherwise set the number of GPUs for a distributed setup
  • --ckpt: full path to the one of the ULTRA checkpoints to use (you can use those provided in the repo ot trained on your own). Use --ckpt null to start training from scratch (or run zero-shot inference on a randomly initialized model, it still might surprise you and demonstrate non-zero performance).

Zero-shot inference setup is --epochs 0 with a given checkpoint ckpt.

Fine-tuning of a checkpoint is when epochs > 0 with a given checkpoint.

An example command for an inductive dataset to run on a CPU:

python script/ -c config/inductive/inference.yaml --dataset FB15k237Inductive --version v1 --epochs 0 --bpe null --gpus null --ckpt /path/to/ultra/ckpts/ultra_4g.pth

An example command for a transductive dataset to run on a GPU:

python script/ -c config/transductive/inference.yaml --dataset CoDExSmall --epochs 0 --bpe null --gpus [0] --ckpt /path/to/ultra/ckpts/ultra_4g.pth

Run on many datasets

The script is a convenient way to run evaluation (0-shot inference and fine-tuning) on several datasets sequentially. Upon completion, the script will generate a csv file ultra_results_<timestamp> with the test set results and chosen metrics. Using the same config files, you only need to specify:

  • -c <yaml config>: use the full path to the yaml config because workdir will be reset after each dataset;
  • -d, --datasets: a comma-separated list of datasets to run, inductive datasets use the name:version convention. For example, -d ILPC2022:small,ILPC2022:large;
  • --ckpt: ULTRA checkpoint to run the experiments on, use the full path to the file;
  • --gpus: the same as in run single;
  • -reps (optional): number of repeats with different seeds, set by default to 1 for zero-shot inference;
  • -ft, --finetune (optional): use the finetuning configs of ULTRA (default_finetuning_config) to fine-tune a given checkpoint for specified epochs and bpe;
  • -tr, --train (optional): train ULTRA from scratch on the target dataset taking epochs and bpe parameters from another pre-defined config (default_train_config);
  • --epochs and --bpe will be set according to a configuration, by default they are set for a 0-shot inference.

An example command to run 0-shot inference evaluation of an ULTRA checkpoint on 4 FB GraIL datasets:

python script/ -c /path/to/config/inductive/inference.yaml --gpus [0] --ckpt /path/to/ultra/ckpts/ultra_4g.pth -d FB15k237Inductive:v1,FB15k237Inductive:v2,FB15k237Inductive:v3,FB15k237Inductive:v4

An example command to run fine-tuning on 4 FB GraIL datasets with 5 different seeds:

python script/ -c /path/to/config/inductive/inference.yaml --gpus [0] --ckpt /path/to/ultra/ckpts/ultra_4g.pth --finetune --reps 5 -d FB15k237Inductive:v1,FB15k237Inductive:v2,FB15k237Inductive:v3,FB15k237Inductive:v4


Run the pre-training script with the config/transductive/pretrain_<ngraphs>.yaml config file.

graphs in the config specify the pre-training mixture. pretrain_3g.yaml uses FB15k237, WN18RR, CoDExMedium; pretrain_4g.yaml adds NELL995 to those three. By default, we use the training option fast_test: 500 to run faster evaluation on a random subset of 500 triples (that approximates full validation performance) of each validation set of the pre-training mixture. You can change the pre-training length by varying batches per epoch batch_per_epoch and epochs hyperparameters.

On the training graph mixture

Right now, 10 transductive datasets are supported for the pre-training mixture in the JointDataset:

  • FB15k237
  • WN18RR
  • CoDExSmall
  • CoDExMedium
  • CoDExLarge
  • NELL995
  • YAGO310
  • ConceptNet100k
  • DBpedia100k
  • AristoV4

You can add more datasets (from all 57 implemented as well as your custom ones) by modifying the datasets_map in By adding inductive datasets you'd need to add proper filtering datasets (similar to that in test() function in to have a consistent evaluation protocol.

An example command to start pre-training on 3 graphs:

python script/ -c /path/to/config/transductive/pretrain_3g.yaml --gpus [0]

Pre-training can be computationally heavy, you might need to decrease the batch size for smaller GPU RAM. The two provided checkpoints were trained on 4 x A100 (40 GB).

Distributed setup

To run ULTRA with multiple GPUs, use the following commands (eg, 4 GPUs per node)

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 script/ -c config/transductive/pretrain.yaml --gpus [0,1,2,3]

Multi-node setup might work as well(not tested):

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes=4 --nproc_per_node=4 script/ -c config/transductive/pretrain.yaml --gpus [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3]


The repo packs 57 different KG datasets of sizes from 1K-120K nodes and 1K-2M edges. Inductive datasets have splits of different version and a common notation is dataset:version, eg ILPC2022:small

Transductive datasets (16)
  • FB15k237, WN18RR, NELL995, YAGO310, CoDExSmall, CoDExMedium, CoDExLarge, Hetionet, ConceptNet100k, DBpedia100k, AristoV4 - full head/tail evaluation
  • WDsinger, NELL23k, FB15k237_10, FB15k237_20, FB15k237_50- only tail evaluation
Inductive (entity) datasets (18) - new nodes but same relations at inference time
  • 12 GraIL datasets (FB / WN / NELL) x (V1 / V2 / V3 / V4)
  • 2 ILPC 2022 datasets
  • 4 datasets from INDIGO
Dataset Versions
FB15k237Inductive v1, v2, v3, v4
WN18RRInductive v1, v2, v3, v4
NELLInductive v1, v2, v3, v4
ILPC2022 small, large
HM 1k, 3k, 5k, indigo
Inductive (entity, relation) datasets (23) - both new nodes and relations at inference time
  • 13 Ingram datasets (FB / WK / NL) x (25 / 50 / 75 / 100)
  • 10 MTDEA datasets
Dataset Versions
FBIngram 25, 50, 75, 100
WKIngram 25, 50, 75, 100
NLIngram 0, 25, 50, 75, 100
WikiTopicsMT1 tax, health
WikiTopicsMT2 org, sci
WikiTopicsMT3 art, infra
WikiTopicsMT4 sci, health
Metafam single version
FBNELL single version

All the datasets will be automatically downloaded upon the first run. It is recommended to first download pre-training datasets on single GPU experiments rather than immediately start multi-GPU training to prevent racing conditions.

Adding your own graph

We provide two base classes in (based on InMemoryDataset of PyG) that you can inherit from:

  • TransductiveDataset requires 3 links in the urls field by convention urls = ["train_set_link", "valid_set_link", "test_set_link"] and name.
Code example
class CustomDataset(TransductiveDataset):

    urls = [
    name = "custom_data"
  • InductiveDataset requires 4 links in the urls field by convention urls = ["transductive_train_set_link", "inference_graph_link", "inference_valid_set_link", "inference_test_set_link"] and name. By default, we assume that validation and test edges are based on inference_graph (but you can modify the loaders to account for different combinations).
Code example
class CustomDataset(InductiveDataset):

    urls = [
    name = "custom_data"

TSV / CSV files are supported by setting a delimiter (eg, delimiter = "\t") in the class definition. After adding your own dataset, you can immediately run 0-shot inference or fine-tuning of any ULTRA checkpoint.


If you find this codebase useful in your research, please cite the original paper.

  title={Towards Foundation Models for Knowledge Graph Reasoning},
  author={Mikhail Galkin and Xinyu Yuan and Hesham Mostafa and Jian Tang and Zhaocheng Zhu},


A foundation model for knowledge graph reasoning

License:MIT License


Language:Python 77.8%Language:C++ 11.1%Language:Cuda 11.1%