William Wang's repositories
An Amazon-like storefront with the MySQL and Node.js. The app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory.
A burger logger with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a homemade ORM (yum!). The code follows the MVC design pattern; use Node and MySQL to query and route data in your app, and Handlebars to generate your HTML.
CS fundamentals: data structures and algorithms
fun and interactive game for web browsers. This time, the app dynamically update your HTML pages with the jQuery library.
gitQuizzly is a brain tease game to reinforce learned ideas through fun quizzes and built in React
A React-based rendition of the New York Times Article Search application. This App includes React components, work with helper functions, and utilize the React mounting lifecycle to query and display articles based on user searches. Node, Express and MongoDB is used.
A burger logger with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a homemade Sequelize (yum!). The code follows the MVC design pattern; use Node and MySQL to query and route data in your app, and Handlebars to generate your HTML.
First Full-Stack app deployed. Node, Express, mySql, Handlebars.
JavaScript for the logic and jQuery to manipulate HTML. Trivia form with multiple choice or true/false options. The player will have a limited amount of time to finish the quiz. The game ends when the time runs out. The page will reveal the number of questions that players answer correctly and incorrectly.