cwlroda / MIPS-Simulator

MIPS-IV CPU Simulator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MIPS Simulator

This is a MIPS CPU simulator that accurately executes MIPS-1 big-endian binaries using instructions specified by the MIPS ISA. The list of capabilities is non-exhaustive, but most basic instructions are executable. There is also a rigorous testbench to display the functionality of the simulator. The simulator was primarily coded in C++, while the testbench was developed using ExcelVBA and MIPS.


When executing testbench, please make sure to have dos2unix installed. Failing to do so might lead to errors within the testbench.

To install dos2unix, run this in your command line:

sudo apt install dos2unix


The target Environment as of project completion is Ubuntu 18.04, with the standard GNU toolchain installed (i.e. g++, make), standard command line utilities, and bash.

Simulator Build and Execution

The compiler is buildable using the command:

make simulator

in the root of the respository. This will create a binary called


If any errors occur during build, run:

rm bin/mips_simulator
make simulator

Testing your own Binaries

You can customise your own MIPS instruction file and convert it into a .bin file. To run this file on the simulator:

bin/mips_simulator <your_file>.bin

Testbench Input/Output

As output, the Testbench prints a CSV file to stdout containing the following fields:

TestId , Instruction , Status , Author [, Message]

The meaning of the fields is as follows:

  • TestId : A unique identifier for the particular test.

  • Instruction : This identifyies the primary instruction being tested.

  • Status : This will either be Pass or Fail.

  • Author : The login of the person who created the test.

  • Message : Optional field for logging/errors.

Testbench build and executable

The Testbench is buildable using:

make testbench

This will create an executable called:


Temporary or working files created during execution will be in a directory called


Output log files are created in


To run Testbench on its own Simulator:

bin/mips_testbench  bin/mips_simulator

To run a different Testbench and a different Simulator at the path



bin/mips_testbench   ../other-simulator/bin/mips_simulator


Offset     |  Length     | Name       | R | W | X |
0x00000000 |        0x4  | ADDR_NULL  |   |   | Y | Jumping to this address means the Binary has finished execution.
0x00000004 |  0xFFFFFFC  | ....       |   |   |   |
0x10000000 |  0x1000000  | ADDR_INSTR | Y |   | Y | Executable memory. The Binary should be loaded here.
0x11000000 |  0xF000000  | ....       |   |   |   |
0x20000000 |  0x4000000  | ADDR_DATA  | Y | Y |   | Read-write data area. Should be zero-initialised.
0x24000000 |  0xC000000  | ....       |   |   |   |
0x30000000 |        0x4  | ADDR_GETC  | Y |   |   | Location of memory mapped input. Read-only.
0x30000004 |        0x4  | ADDR_PUTC  |   | Y |   | Location of memory mapped output. Write-only.
0x30000008 | 0xCFFFFFF8  | ....       |   |   |   |


Code Meaning
ADD Add (with overflow)
ADDI Add immediate (with overflow)
ADDIU Add immediate unsigned (no overflow)
ADDU Add unsigned (no overflow)
AND Bitwise and
ANDI Bitwise and immediate
BEQ Branch on equal
BGEZ Branch on greater than or equal to zero
BGEZAL Branch on non-negative (>=0) and link
BGTZ Branch on greater than zero
BLEZ Branch on less than or equal to zero
BLTZ Branch on less than zero
BLTZAL Branch on less than zero and link
BNE Branch on not equal
DIV Divide
DIVU Divide unsigned
J Jump
JALR Jump and link register
JAL Jump and link
JR Jump register
LB Load byte
LBU Load byte unsigned
LH Load half-word
LHU Load half-word unsigned
LUI Load upper immediate
LW Load word
LWL Load word left
LWR Load word right
MFHI Move from HI
MFLO Move from LO
MTHI Move to HI
MTLO Move to LO
MULT Multiply
MULTU Multiply unsigned
OR Bitwise or
ORI Bitwise or immediate
SB Store byte
SH Store half-word
SLL Shift left logical
SLLV Shift left logical variable
SLT Set on less than (signed)
SLTI Set on less than immediate (signed)
SLTIU Set on less than immediate unsigned
SLTU Set on less than unsigned
SRA Shift right arithmetic
SRAV Shift right arithmetic
SRL Shift right logical
SRLV Shift right logical variable
SUB Subtract
SUBU Subtract unsigned
SW Store word
XOR Bitwise exclusive or
XORI Bitwise exclusive or immediate


MIPS-IV CPU Simulator


Language:C++ 93.5%Language:Shell 5.1%Language:Makefile 1.4%