cwharland / ReactiveLDA

ReactiveLDA is a fast, lightweight implementation of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm, using a parallel vanilla Gibbs sampling algorithm.

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ReactiveLDA is a lightweight implementation of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm. The main ingredient is a parallel vanilla Gibbs sampling algorithm, and the parallelism is done via Akka actors (hence the naming 'reactive'). This approach is very different from a more popular algorithm based on collapsed Gibbs sampler, which is difficult to be parallelized, unless one assumes weak dependencies in sampling latent variables.


The LDA Model

The LDA model assumes each word in a document is generated in two steps:

  • Sample a topic from the document-topic distribution (each document has its own document-topic distribution);
  • From the sampled topic, sample a word from the topic-word distribution (each topic has its own topic-word distribution).

Both the document-topic distribution and topic-word distribution are multinomial distributions. The model assumes that these distributions themselves are sampled from Dirichlet distributions. The objective of LDA learning algorithm is to infer the topic-word distribution, given observed words in a corpus. Such topic-word distribution can later give vector representation of words and documents. In addition to text analysis, it has been reported that LDA model can be applied to perform collabarative filtering.

The Gibbs Sampler

In this implementation, we use the vanilla Gibbs sampler. We sample word topics, docuemnt-topic distribution, and topic-word distribution alternatively. The sampling iteration goes like this:

  • Given topic-word distributions and the document-topic distribution for a document, we sample topic variables for words in the document.
  • After sampling topic variables for the document, we can sample (update) document-topic distribution for that document.
  • After we have sampled topic variables for all words in the corpus, we can sample topic-word distributions.

To kick off the iteration, in the first iteration, we perform uniform sampling for topic variables for all words in the corpus.

The Actor System

There are 3 types of actors:

  • BetaActor (master)
    • Retrieve jobs from MiniBatchActor
    • Distribute jobs to DocSamplingActors
    • Update beta, which gives topic-word distributions
  • DocSamplingActor (worker)
    • Sample latent topic variable for each word in the document
    • Sample document's topic distribution
  • MiniBatchActor
    • Send batches of documents to BetaActor


ReactiveLDA has the following features:

  • Highly scalable Map-Reduce like job distribution. It would be interesting to extend the work by using remote Akka actors.
  • Memory friendly: no need to hold the entire corpus in memory. The major part of memory footprint is from model variables: topic-word distributions and document-topic distributions. We also provide an in-memory option, which can save I/O when the corpus can fit into memory.
  • Good speedup: empirical results suggest that ReactiveLDA achieves near-perfect parallel speedup (we have only performed tests up to 32 CPU cores).
  • Good speed: we have done some experiments with English wikipedia corpus (3M documents, 100K vocabulary size, 1.5 billion tokens, after filtering out redirected articles and low frequencey words). We train a topic model with 512 dimensions on an Amazon instance with 32 virtual CPUs, one iteration of Gibbs sampling takes about 10 minutes. A total number of 50 iterations usually gives reasonably good model. That is less than half a day (with a strong machine)!

How to Use the Library

Build the Jar

Assuming you are at the project's root directory. Start sbt console and enter assembly. You should have LDA.Jar built under the folder /target/scala-x.xx.

Use the Jar

You can run the jar with minimal required arguments like this:

java -jar LDA.jar -nw 32 -t 100 -voc 123456 -iter 50 -b 10000 -in trainFile.txt -betaFile betaFile.bin

The parameters aboves are:

  • -nw: number of workers
  • -t: number of topics
  • -voc: vocabulary size of your corpus
  • -iter: number of iterations of Gibbs sampling
  • -b: This defines a 'mini-batch' size. This is because corpus may not fit into memory. In this case, use an appropriate mini-batch size helps to hold a small portion of corpus in memory and perform sampling just for this part. If this value is too low, I/O overhead may reduce performance.
  • -in: path to the training file (training file format is explained below)
  • -betaFile: the file name to store the beta parameter. beta gives topic-word distributions.

For a comprehensive arguments list, please see documentations in the source code, or type java -jar LDA.jar for usage.

Training File Format

For simplicity and efficiency reasons, we assume the input file has the following format:

  • The file represents the whole corpus.
  • Each line represents a document in the corpus.
  • Each line is a sequence of word-ids, seperated by space.
  • word-ids form the integer set {0, 1, 2, ..., V-1}, where V is the vocabulary size.

We provide a util class to convert regular txt file corpus into this format. See CorpusUtil.scala. It should be straigtforward to use the class from sbt console.

Sample Run

We provide a toy training file trivial.test.txt under the test folder. This represents a corpus with 6 documents and 4 words. Word 0 and 1 form a topic, 2 and 3 form another topic.

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2
3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2

You can train an LDA model on this simple corpus like this:

java -jar LDA.jar -nw 10 -t 2 -voc 4 -iter 50 -b 3 -in trivial.txt -betaFile trivial_beta.bin -verbose true

At the end of training, you would see some console outputs like this

DEBUG: sampling dirichlet with 12.1 12.1 0.1 0.1
DEBUG: sampled beta for topic 0: 0.45371073 0.5395452 2.3765434E-4 0.006506452
DEBUG: sampling dirichlet with 0.1 0.1 12.1 12.1
DEBUG: sampled beta for topic 1: 0.0011156916 1.17734814E-7 0.46746284 0.53142136

That is, the final model consists of two topic-word distributions:

topic 0: 0.45371073 0.5395452 2.3765434E-4 0.006506452
topic 1: 0.0011156916 1.17734814E-7 0.46746284 0.53142136

So, topic 0 is defined by word 0 and word 1, and topic 1 is defined by word 2 and 3.

Of course, this is an overly simplified example, and we know the correct number of topics a priori. In practice, one has to try a few different topic sizes and evaluate the quality of the model (e.g. by computing perplexity, or examine if similar words have similar topic distributions, etc).

Use the Trained Model

We provide a simple util class ModelReader to read the trained beta file. With that util class you can do the following:

  • Examine topic-word distributions, e.g. top words in a topic.
  • Examine word-topic distributions. This helps to evaluate model qualtiy, e.g. simialr words should have similar topic distribution.
  • Text classification: One can use the model to generate a low dimensional representation of a document. The vector representation is a probability distribution over topics. We provide two methods:
    • A naive summation of word vectors. This is fast, but we ignore context information.
    • An EM style inference. This takes account of word context. It's slightly slower than the first method, yet it potentailly gives better classification result. The iterative algorithm usually converges in a few steps. In fact, the naive summation alogrithm is just a special case of EM inference, with only one iteration.

Examples (in sbt console):

import com.kifi.lda.ModelReader

val beta = ModelReader.parseBeta("beta.bin")                    // generated by running the Jar
val word2id = ModelReader.parseWord2id("word2id.json")          // can be generated by CorpusUtil
val reader = new ModelReader(beta, w2id)

// show top 20 words in topic 1
reader.showTopics(topic = 1, topK = 20)

// show the top 10 topics associated with the word "akka"
reader.showWordTopic("akka", topK = 10)

// write topic and topic words to a file
val topics = reader.getAllTopics(topK: Int = 100)"topic_words.txt").writeAll(topics)

// classification
reader.classify("akka actor documentation", topK = 3)
reader.EM_inference("akka actor documentation", topK = 3)


ReactiveLDA is a fast, lightweight implementation of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm, using a parallel vanilla Gibbs sampling algorithm.

License:MIT License


Language:Scala 100.0%