cwaring / origin-playground

origin-app structure for prototyping and testing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



The fast web3 application toolkit ⚡️


Example instance of origin 0.3-beta.x app structure

See: for more info and features.

Getting started

# init a local repo
npx degit application-research/origin-playground origin-app


# 0: install deps
npm i
# 1: start development mode
npm start
# production build /dist
npm run build
# preview production build /dist
npm run preview

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar + Vue devtools (beta)

This combo enables IDE support for <script setup> which is included in Vue > v3.1.4. However, be sure to disable Vetur if you have it installed as these extensions conflict.

Type Support For .vue Imports in TS

If you are using Volar the default configuration included in Origin enables prop types for .vue imports. To enable Volar takeover mode you will need to follow some additional steps.


origin-app structure for prototyping and testing

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 49.7%Language:Vue 47.7%Language:HTML 2.7%