cwalo / chaise

SeatGeek Event Search API demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




  • If Carthage is not installed: brew install carthage
  • carthage bootstrap --platform iOS
  • In Source/Networking/SeatGeekCredentials, add your API client_id.
  • command + R and 🙏🏻


I hope the project is fairly straightforward to navigate, but a few things to point out.

  • AppCoordinator handles all navigation in the application. Even though I use storyboards here, you'll note there are no segues. Additionally, this is where I inject dependencies. Managed view controllers pass any data back to the AppCoordinator who then routes the application where it needs to go next.
  • I leverage Remote and Entity models. The former matches the response from the API while the latter is a flattened version used to merge remote and local state (isFavorite, for instance).
  • I chose Moya (an abstraction over Alamofire) as my networking library for its interface and ease of use during testing.
  • SearchViewController is backed by an EventSearchViewModel that abstracts all networking and data manipulation and simply "subscribes" to state changes. Reactive-ish.
  • Note the Throttler class to ensure we don't spam the API more than necessary. This can be fine tuned with a delay property during initialization.
  • The FavoritesManager is an abstracted JSON file reader/writer. Objects can favorite and unfavorite. Objects can listen for changes via NotificationCenter notifications. To avoid superfuous file I/O, it will only write to disk when the application is sent to the background or when deinit is called. To top it off, because the favorites file is stored in the libraryDirectory favorites are synced across devices.
  • I've added some tests to exhibit the test-able nature of the app. I can easily verify views are configured properly without needing to create any remote model objects, verify that our custom date formatter parses the expected date strings correctly. I also test the SearchViewModel reports expected states back to the controller. FavoriteManager has some simple API interface tests.
    • Tests TODO: more SearchViewModel tests, more unhappy cases, ImageFetcher UIView extension
  • Print logs while searching are intentional to highlight additional things I would show/do in the UI


SeatGeek Event Search API demo


Language:Swift 100.0%