cvbutani / sqlite-basics

sqlite3 basic operating commands.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • All SQL commands should end with a semicolon(;).
  • SQL commands are capitalize but not necesssary.
  • dot(.) commands are specifically for sqlite3. e.g, open or close database.
  • dot commands are case sensitive.
  • Primary Key: Ensures uniqueness. There can only be one primary key per table.
  • Auto Increment: Automatically calculates new integer when row is added for IDs.
  • NOT NULL - Null values are not allowed for this column.
  • Default - When inserting a new row, if no value is defined, the default value given will be used.
Open Sqlite3
Create/Open new file
.open your_db_name.db
Check if table exists or not
Create table with primary key
CREATE TABLE table_heading(_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, column_heading1 TEXT, column_heading2 INTEGER, column_heading3 INTEGER, column_heading4 TEXT);
Create table
CREATE TABLE table_heading(_id INTEGER, column_heading1 TEXT, column_heading2 INTEGER, column_heading3 INTEGER, column_heading4 TEXT);
Header on
.header on
Schema used to create table
.schema table_heading
Print column headings
PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(table_heading);
Insert information in table
INSERT INTO table_heading(_id, column_heading1, column_heading2, column_heading3, column_heading4)
    VALUES (1, "TABLE1", 89, 5, "HEAD1");
Reading single column from table
SELECT column_heading1 FROM table_heading;
Reading everything from table
SELECT * FROM table_heading;
Reading methods
SELECT * FROM table_heading WHERE _id == 1;
SELECT * FROM table_heading WHERE column_heading1 >= 3;
SELECT column_heading1, column_heading3 FROM table_heading;
SELECT * FROM pets ORDER BY column_heading1 ASC;
SELECT * FROM pets ORDER BY column_heading1 DSC;
Reading modes
.mode tabs
.mode ascii
.mode column
.mode list
Edit/Update table
UPDATE table_heading SET column_heading2 = 5 WHERE column_heading3 = 1;
Delete table data
DELETE FROM table_heading WHERE _id = <id_you_want_to_delete>;
Delete table
DROP TABLE table_heading;