curlygirltech / FullHouse

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Name



FullHouse is frontend react app that focuses on connecting beginner coders with industry leaders who specialize in their coding language. Members are able to sign up and are brought to a page to connect. On the connection page, you can find mentors in languages you specialize in, and their contact information.(PostMVP) Mentees can enter rooms based on their language of choice and contribute to the blog to help other curious learners.


Mobile Home screen:

Mobile Mentor/Mentee screen:


Tablet Home Screen:

Tablet connect screen:

MVP Goals

  • home page with clickable links to navigate through app
  • use airtable to get data of mentors and mentees
  • route mentors or mentees to specific connection page with rendered info


  • "Contribute to blog" feature
  • Create "rooms" for each language
  • CSS animations to home page
  • update/delete data using airtable

Project Schedule

Day Deliverable Status
Monday 15 Proposal Approval / Airtable Setup Incomplete
Tuesday 16 Component Creation / Get, Set Data Incomplete
Wednesday 17 Form Creation/ Delete Data Incomplete
Thursday 18 Debug/ MVP Incomplete
Friday 19 Advanced CSS Incomplete
Monday 22 Presentations Incomplete


Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Proposal H 2hrs hr hrs
Styling Homepage H 2hrs hr hrs
Component Setup H 3hrs hr hrs
Airtable setup H 3hrs hr hr
Clickable links H 3hrs hr hr
Footer H 1hrs hr hrs
Mentee Form H 3hrs hr hr
Mentor Form H 3hrs hr hr
Data creation/update H 3hrs hr hrs
Delete Data H 2hrs hr hr
Post Data H 3hrs hr hr
Navbar H 3hrs hr hr
Component CSS H 3hrs hr hrs
Media quieries/RD H 3hrs hr hrs
Total H 37hrs


Mentee Table: Mentor Table:

Sample Query Results:

    "records": [
            "id": "recFH8m8MOHYp99oE",
            "fields": {
                "contact": "@AnitaBakerson on IG",
                "name": "Anita Bakerson",
                "aboutMe": "Polished professional looking to help beginners master Java",
                "language": [
                "relationship": "mentor"
            "createdTime": "2021-03-14T23:16:45.000Z"
            "id": "recMLsWbYAHxijTDF",
            "fields": {
                "contact": "@FeliciaG on twitter\n",
                "name": "Felicia Gerard",
                "aboutMe": "Expert in c++ with 10 years experience looking to help others learn",
                "language": [
                "relationship": "mentor"
            "createdTime": "2021-03-14T23:16:45.000Z"
            "id": "rec4YsxLBVpafuAx9",
            "fields": {},
            "createdTime": "2021-03-14T23:16:45.000Z"
    "offset": "rec4YsxLBVpafuAx9"

MVP Components

  |_Home -------|__ components/
                 |__ Navbar/Footer
                 |__ MentorForm.jsx (/new)
                 |__ MenteeForm.jsx (/new)
                 |__ ConnectionPage.jsx (List of Mentors with Language experience)
                 |__ About.jsx (Info about FullHouse)


Project Delivery


-I'm confident on my ability to use airtable and work with the API


-My main weakness is connecting my components to my app and making sure they are rendered properly.


-Since this projects allows me to use everything I learned in the past unit, it's a great opportunity to solidify concepts I was shacky on.


Im in the process of managing my time better as it pertains to running into errors and unexpected issues. When I get stuck, it's really hard to move on or at least handle another part of the project.

Code Showcase

Use this section to include a brief code snippet of functionality that you are proud of and a brief description.

Code Issues & Resolutions

Use this section to list of all major issues encountered and their resolution, if you'd like.



Language:CSS 48.5%Language:JavaScript 43.1%Language:HTML 8.4%