Differential Performance Debugging with Discriminant Regression Trees

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The repository for the implementations of performance debugging with machine learning tools Paper can be found here: Differential Performance Debugging With Discriminant Regression Trees, AAAI'18, 2468-2475.

The goal of Differential Performance Debugging is to explain unexpected performance differences of a program tested on different inputs.

DPDEBUGGER is a two steps approach: Functional Clustering and Classification. We use Functional Clustering algorithms to cluster inputs into similar groups of execution time based on input size (or other input related features). This part presents two new clustering algorithm with extending KMeans and Spectral clustering algorithms. We use standard decision tree algorithm to explain the differences between clusters in terms of program internals.


The following shows the overall steps in DPDEBUGGER. Given a set of inputs about the running time (Time Domain) and the internal properties (Auxiliary Domain) of each trace, DPDEBUGGER applies functional clustering algorithms (one of K-Linear or Spectral) in time domain to group traces that have similar timing behaviors together and separate traces that have different timing behaviors. At the end of this step, each trace takes a class label that corresponds to a linear functional cluster. In the next step, DPDEBUGGER adds the cluster label information to the auxiliary features from program internals. Now, the problem is to find what properties of program internals are similar in a cluster and what properties are separating different clusters. DPDEBUGGER uses decision tree classifier to learn a discriminant model and provide the explanation for a human analyst.

KLinear Clustering

K-Linear algorithm is an extension of K-means algorithm for clustering data with dependent variable. In this setting, the cluster centroids are extends to linear functions as opposed to centroid points in K-means algorithm. The following plot shows the convergence of K-Linear algorithm.

Spectral Clustering

Spectral clustering is a popular clustering algorithm that views the clustering data as a weighted graph of points and the clustering problem as a graph partitioning problem. Spectral clustering algorithms are parameterized by the notion of adjacency between two data points defined using kernel functions. In order to define the notion of adjacency in terms of being close to a given linear cluster, we characterize a novel kernel function called "alignment kernel" that puts two points closer to each other if the line passing through those points have multiple other points in the line's neighborhood. The concept of alignment kernel is shown in the following figure where points A and B are closer to each-other in linear sense than points A and C, although the latter points are closer than former points in terms of Euclidean distance.

SnapBuddy Example

SnapBuddy is a mock social network application where users can make their public profiles. As inputs for our experiments, we passively monitored users' interaction with public profile pages. We applied K-linear clustering algorithm where we set the number of clusters to 5. As a result, our tool finds five linear relationships between the size of public profile image and download time. It reports that filter combinations applied in profile pictures are the key discriminants. The following is the results of applying DPDEBUGGER on this application.

Apache FOP example

Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a Java application that reads a formatting object such as an XML file and renders the resulting pages to a specified output format such as PDF and PS. The formatting document can specify that an external image in, for example, a PNG or JPEG format should be included. A user had a suspicion that there is a performance bug in handling PNG images. They reported in a forum post in 2011 that they have two PNG images, which have the same size, but one of them takes seven times as much to render as the other. The following is the results of applying DPDEBUGGER on Apache FOP.


  1. K-Linear Clustering:
cd KLinear/
python --filename SnapBuddy/snapBuddy_for_clustering.csv --measurements no --featurex size --clusters 5 --output SnapBuddy/test_output
  1. Spectral Clustering with Alignment Kernel: First, you need to modify the file in /Your/Path/To/scikit-learn/sklearn/metrics/ You need to copy the function inside "Spectral_Alignment/" file to the file, and then:
cd /Your/Path/To/scikit-learn
sudo python install

Finally, you can use Alignment Clsutering.

cd Spectral_Alignment/
python --filename fop/result_time.csv --measurements no --clusters 2 --featurex size --output ./fop/result_time_spectral.csv
  1. Decision Tree Learning
cd Classification/
python --filename SnapBuddy/SnapBuddy_for_classification.csv --output SnapBuddy/output
dot -Tpng SnapBuddy/ -o SnapBuddy/tree.png
  1. Micro-benchmarks: Micro-benchmarks for comparisons with CART, M5Prime, and GUIDE is available in this repository. We use scikit learn library for learning CART, Weka library in Rapidminer for M5Prime, and the following link for GUIDE classification and regression tree. (More updates will be provided for Micro-benchmark soon).


Differential Performance Debugging with Discriminant Regression Trees


Language:Python 100.0%