cuduy197 / vueditor

A wysiwyg editor written in Vue.js and Vuex.js

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vueditor vueditor

A wysiwyg editor written in Vue.js and Vuex.js, only support Vue.js 2.x.x

Browser compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 9+.

Online demo




  • No jQuery, Bootstrap or any other font file needed
  • Light weighted, 55kb for js and 50kb for css
  • Using .vue file development mode
  • Based on npm + webpack + babel, using ES2015


npm install vueditor

If you prefer to use it via script tag, just add "vueditor.min.js", "vueditor.min.css" to your page.


Vue.use(Vueditor, config)

Use it in the following cases:

  1. Only one editor required
  2. Multiple editors required but shared the same config
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import Vueditor from 'vueditor'

import "vueditor/dist/css/vueditor.min.css"

// your config here
let config = {
  toolbar: [
    'removeFormat', 'undo', '|', 'elements', 'fontName', 'fontSize', 'foreColor', 'backColor'
  fontName: [
    {val: "arial black"}, {val: "times new roman"}, {val: "Courier New"}
  fontSize: ['12px', '14px', '16px', '18px', '0.8rem', '1.0rem', '1.2rem', '1.5rem', '2.0rem'],
  emoji: ["1f600", "1f601", "1f602", "1f923", "1f603"],
  lang: 'en',
  mode: 'default',
  iframePath: '',
  fileuploadUrl: ''

Vue.use(Vueditor, config);
// create a root instance
new Vue({
    el: '#editor1'

Then in your vue template somewhere:


To get and set content you need to acquire the Vueditor component, you can use $children[index] or ref to do that.

let parent = new Vue({
    el: '#editor1'
let inst = parent.$children[0];
inst.setContent('your content here');

createEditor(selector, config)

Call createEditor and pass specific config as parameter respectively for multiple editors in a page.

  import Vue from 'vue'
  import Vuex from 'vuex'
  import {createEditor} from 'vueditor'

  import "vueditor/dist/css/vueditor.min.css"

  createEditor('#editor2', {
    toolbar: [
        'removeFormat', 'undo', '|', 'elements', 'fontName', 'fontSize', 'foreColor', 'backColor', 
    lang: 'en',
    mode: 'default',
    iframePath: '',
    fileuploadUrl: '',
    id: '',
    classList: []

The initialized element will be replaced in this case, you can add classList or id to the config for adding styles, the rendered element will have these attributes. createEditor returns a Vueditor instance, you can set and get content with it:

let inst = createEditor(...);
inst.setContent('your content here');

Options for configuration:

Name Type Description
toolbar Object Buttons on the toolbar, use `
fontName Object The font-family select's options, val refer to the actual css value, abbr refer to the option's text, abbr is optional when equals to val
fontSize Array The font-size select's options
emoji Array The emoji list, you can get full list here
lang String Interface language, default is Chinese, to set to English use lang: 'en'
mode String Mode options: default, iframe
iframePath String If mode is set to iframe, specify a HTML file path here
fileUploadUrl String File upload url, the return result must be a string refer to the uploaded image, leave it empty will end up with local preview
id String id for the rendered editor element
classList Array className for the rendered editor element

Default value of the above fields:

export default {
  toolbar: [
    'removeFormat', 'undo', '|', 'elements', 'fontName', 'fontSize', 'foreColor', 'backColor', 'divider',
    'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough', 'links', 'divider', 'subscript', 'superscript',
    'divider', 'justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'justifyFull', '|', 'indent', 'outdent',
    'insertOrderedList', 'insertUnorderedList', '|', 'emoji', 'picture', 'tables', '|', 'switchView'
  fontName: [
    {val: "宋体, SimSun", abbr: "宋体"}, {val: "黑体, SimHei", abbr: "黑体"},
    {val: "楷体, SimKai", abbr: "楷体"}, {val: "微软雅黑, 'Microsoft YaHei'", abbr: "微软雅黑"},
    {val: "arial black"}, {val: "times new roman"}, {val: "Courier New"}
  fontSize: [
    '12px', '14px', '16px', '18px', '20px', '24px', '28px', '32px', '36px'
  emoji: [
    "1f600", "1f601", "1f602", "1f923", "1f603", "1f604", "1f605", "1f606", "1f609", "1f60a", "1f60b",
    "1f60e", "1f60d", "1f618", "1f617", "1f619", "1f61a", "263a", "1f642", "1f917", "1f914", "1f610",
    "1f611", "1f636", "1f644", "1f60f", "1f623", "1f625", "1f62e", "1f910", "1f62f", "1f62a", "1f62b",
    "1f634", "1f60c", "1f913", "1f61b", "1f61c", "1f61d", "1f924", "1f612", "1f613", "1f614", "1f615",
    "1f643", "1f911", "1f632", "2639", "1f641", "1f616", "1f61e", "1f61f", "1f624", "1f622", "1f62d",
    "1f626", "1f627", "1f628", "1f629", "1f62c", "1f630", "1f631", "1f633", "1f635", "1f621", "1f620",
    "1f607", "1f920", "1f921", "1f925", "1f637", "1f912", "1f915", "1f922", "1f927"
  lang: 'cn',
  mode: 'default',
  iframePath: '',
  fileuploadUrl: ''
  id: '',
  classList: []


  • Popup menu position auto adjust
  • Full screen and fixed toolbar feature
  • Advanced table options
  • Code highlight
  • Markdown support
  • Plugin support
  • XSS prevention



Copyright (c) 2016 hifarer


A wysiwyg editor written in Vue.js and Vuex.js

License:MIT License


Language:Vue 69.4%Language:JavaScript 18.5%Language:CSS 8.7%Language:HTML 3.4%