cuchas / profile-guide

Guide to my code and developer experience

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a guide to my code and developer experience, below you can find what tech I've been using and what kind of apps I've been doing.

Projects and Portifolio

  • Solved A collection of algorithms and computing solved problems.
  • Dieta e Saúde - Weight loss app
  • MyInsta - Android Gallery app, it uses MVP, UnitTesting, Camera and FileSystem
  • ShareApp - ASP.NET MVC app to demonstrate dependency injection using StructureMap


  • Layouts (Linear, Relative, Frame, Percent, Grid and Coordinator)
  • Translations (Via resources, .es, .en, .pt-br etc)
  • Animations and Transitions (Transition Framework, Animation, ObjectAnimator..)
  • Fragments, Nested Fragments and Activities
  • Views (Text, Spinner, Switch, DatePicker, Recycler, Adapters, Image, Menus)
  • Material Design (AppCompat, Drawer, BottomNav, Fab, Ripples, Tabs, Resources by api)
  • Persistence (Shared Preferences, Sqlite)
  • Network (Retrofit and Volley)
  • Dependency Injection (Flavors Variant)
  • Permissions (Pre and post Android 6, Permission Dialogs, Dangerous etc)
  • Job Scheduling (GCMNetworkManager)
  • File System
  • Notifications
  • Camera
  • MVP Architecture
  • Threading Communication (Eventbus, Localbroadcast)
  • Broadcast Receivers and Services
  • Testing (JUnit and Espresso)
  • Java and Kotlin
  • Webviews

###External Apis

  • Analytics (Firebase, Localytics, Google, ComScore, Facebook)
  • Signing (Google, Smartlock, Facebook, Twitter, custom, firebase via)
  • Location (Google)
  • Google Fit
  • Inapp purchases
  • Firebase Remote Config
  • Push (Firebase, GCM, OneSignal, Parse)
  • Crash reporting (Crashlytics, Firebase)
  • Azure blob storage
  • Firebase Notifications

###Helpers and Libraries

  • Butterknife
  • Kotlin Extensions
  • Retrofit, Volley
  • Picasso

Projects and Portifolio

  • [shareApp] - ASPNET MVC app show casing use of Dependency Injection with StructureMap framework


Guide to my code and developer experience