cuberite / APIFuzzing

APIFuzzing - a lua plugin for fuzzing and checking the Cuberite API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a plugin written in lua for cuberite. As the plugin name already indicates it's used for fuzzing and it can check the cuberite lua api.

There are two commands

  • fuzzing
  • checkapi


The runme file has to be copied to the root folder of Cuberite, before running it.


Run the file runme.bat and it will startup Cuberite.


Run the file and it will startup Cuberite.


The server will be started and runs the console command fuzzing. If an crash occurs:

  • Under linux the script will automatically restart cuberite and run the command again
  • Under windows, you need to close the debugger message box that will appear, then cuberite will start and run the command again

The message Fuzzing completed! will be printed in the console, if the plugin is finished. If an crash has occured, in the home directory of the plugin will be a file named crashed_table.txt. It contains the class name, function name and the function call of all crashes.

In file inputs.lua at line 103 there is a for loop that adds params from number -100 to 100. When this part is enabled, fuzzing can take much more time. I recommend to enable this part only under a linux based system. Under windows it requires much more time to finish.


Start the server and run the console command checkapi. The plugin will be finished if the message CheckAPI completed! appears. The results, if any, are in the console output and in cuberite log files.


  • It can catch:
    • Syntax errors, indicates a problem in code generation of this plugin
    • Incorrect parameters in APIDoc or not documented
    • Function exists in the API, but is not exported or doesn't exists
    • Function is missing flag IsStatic in APIDoc
  • It can also compare the return types of the function call with the APIDoc


APIFuzzing - a lua plugin for fuzzing and checking the Cuberite API

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Lua 98.5%Language:Batchfile 0.8%Language:Shell 0.7%