ctberthiaume / gradients3-data-integration

Gradients 3 cruise data integration and visualization project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gradients 3 Cruise Data Integration application stack

This is a project to build a data ingest and visualization application customized for the April 2019 Gradients 3 oceanographic cruise.

Application components

  • Docker (infrastructure)
  • TimescaleDB (time series data management)
  • Grafana (time series data visualization)
  • Supercronic (Docker compatible cron for periodic processing)
  • Python 3 scripts (data parsing and higher-level job wrappers)
  • Minio (realtime cruise data uploads)
  • Borg for backups


  • Clone this git repo somewhere
  • Install Docker
  • Pull the images used in this stack. I'm not sure why this is necessary, but just deploying the stack doesn't seem to reliably pull needed images.
docker pull grafana/grafana:6.0.0
docker pull ctberthiaume/ingest:gradients3
docker pull ctberthiaume/backup:gradients3
docker pull timescale/timescaledb:1.2.2-pg10
docker pull minio/minio:RELEASE.2019-03-20T22-38-47Z


Bring up the stack on a single node

First copy the secrets_template folder to secrets and change passwords from the defaults.

Then start docker services

docker swarm init  # once
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.dataintegration.yml di

To finish provisioning Grafana with any custom dashboards, datasources, plugins located in ./dockerfiles/grafana/{etc,var}, run bash as root on the Grafana container and run /app/provision.sh. Assuming the stack is named di this runs the provisioning script and restarts Grafana.

docker exec -it --user root $(docker ps | grep di_grafana | awk '{print $1}') bash -c '/app/provision.sh' && docker service scale di_grafana=0 && docker service scale di_grafana=1

The official Timescaledb image warns that there aren't enough background workers. See https://docs.timescale.com/v1.2/getting-started/configuring#workers. To fix this update /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf with the following values

max_worker_processes = 12
max_parallel_workers = 3
timescaledb.max_background_workers = 7

This can be done with dockerfiles/timescaledb/provision.sh

docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep di_timescaledb | awk '{print $1}') bash -c '/app/provision.sh' && docker service scale di_timescaledb=0 && docker service scale di_timescaledb=1

Bring up stack without querying a remote server to resolve image digest

docker stack deploy --resolve-image never -c docker-compose.dataintegration.yml di

To change the current cruise name

docker service update --env-add CURRENT_CRUISE=gradients1 di_ingest

This will restart the ingest service with a new CURRENT_CRUISE env var

To change the polling frequency of the ingest service, update dockerfiles/ingest/crontab and then send SIGUSR2 signal to the main process in ingest (supercronic). This will restart the service

docker kill --signal SIGUSR2 container

Bring down stack

docker stack rm di

Sometimes Docker leaves behind exited containers. Check with docker container ls -a and remove manually.

Miscellaneous docker tasks

Mount a temporary container with an existing named storage volume

docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/mnt --mount type=volume,src=grafana-storage,dst=/gs ubuntu bash

Use previous ephemeral docker container to add plugin files to grafana, starting from the plugin git repo containing a dist/ directory. Restart grafana after copy.

docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/mnt --mount type=volume,src=grafana-storage,dst=/gs ubuntu bash -c "rm -rf /gs/plugins/$(basename $(pwd))/* && cp -r /mnt/dist /gs/plugins/$(basename $(pwd)) && chown -R 472:472 /gs/plugins/$(basename $(pwd))"

Start a temporary container to connect to postgres

docker run \
--net=host \
-it \
--rm \
-e "PGPASSWORD=password" \
timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg10 \
psql -h localhost -U postgres

TimescaleDB data import

Fast CSV importer

PGPASSWORD=password timescaledb-parallel-copy --copy-options "NULL 'NA' CSV HEADER" -db-name gradients2 -table seaflow -file instrument-files/seaflow_MGL1704/prelim-stat.csv --truncate

PGPASSWORD=password timescaledb-parallel-copy --copy-options "CSV HEADER" -db-name gradients2 -table nav -file instrument-files/nav.csv --truncate

PGPASSWORD=password timescaledb-parallel-copy --copy-options "CSV HEADER" -db-name gradients2 -table par -file instrument-files/par.csv --truncate


Gradients 3 cruise data integration and visualization project

License:MIT License


Language:Python 70.3%Language:Shell 20.8%Language:HTML 6.8%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%Language:CSS 0.1%