csuwildcat / keylink

Prototyping deterministic key gen for record encryption

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Derive keys from virtually anything. Navigate through derivation paths like the web!

Expands the BIP32 wallet format to include many additional index types and features.

Features include:

  • Specify UTF8 strings as a derivation path!
  • Specify hex-encoded strings as a derivation path!
  • Path indexes can be as long as you like!
  • Hardening support for all path types!
  • Use HMAC key-based hardening (key:index) and classic hardening (index').
  • More to come!

How to Install

Using the browser:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@cmdcode/keylink.min.js">

Using nodejs:

// Using CommonJS imports.
const KeyLink = require('@cmdcode/keylink')
// Using ES6 imports.
import KeyLink from '@cmdcode/keylink'

How to Use

// List of Import formats.
  .fromSeed()        // Create from raw bytes or BIP39 seed phrase.
  .fromBase58()      // Create from standard base58check format.
  .fromPrivateLink() // Create a private KeyLink from arguments.
  .fromPublicLink()  // Create a public KeyLink from arguments.

// List of Export formats.
  .toWIF()           // Export as Wallet Import Format for Bitcoin Core.
  .toBase58()        // Export as standard base58check format.
  .toPrivateLink()   // Export a private (signing) copy of current link.
  .toPublicLink()    // Export a public (non-signing) copy of current link.

// Create a link by providing a chaincode and
// the matching private key or public key.
const link = new KeyLink(
  privateKey  : Uint8Array | null,
  publicKey   : Uint8Array | null,
  chaincode   : Uint8Array,
  // You can also provide an 
  // optional array of metadata.
  ...metaData : [
    type?    : string,
    index?   : Uint8Array,
    depth?   : number,
    refcode? : number,
    label?   : string

// BIP44 paths still behave like normal.
link.getPath("m/44'/0'/0'/0/1") => new KeyLink

// The API has been simplified for better usage and
// understanding of hardened / non-hardened key spaces.
link.getHardIndex(index : number) => new KeyLink
link.getSoftIndex(index : number) => new KeyLink

// You can now specify any length character string,
// and it will be parsed as Uint8Array bytes.

// Hardening also works on strings.

// If you want to parse a string as hex (either
// hardened or not), prepend a hashtag character.

// This feature takes advantage of a new API format
// that allows passing byte-arrays for key derivation.
link.getHardMap(data : Uint8Array) => new KeyLink
link.getSoftMap(data : Uint8Array) => new KeyLink

// You can now use HMAC signing to harden key paths.
// Simply prefix a colon-separated string as the HMAC key:

// This feature uses a new derviation operation
// that applies HMAC256 as a hardening tweak.
link.getKeyIndex(key : string, index : number)  => new KeyLink
link.getKeyMap(key : string, data : Uint8Array) => new KeyLink

// Full Path derivation API:

// Additional API:
  .chaincode => Uint8Array  // The link chaincode.
  .rawindex  => Uint8Array  // The current index (in bytes).
  .index     => string      // The current index (formatted).
  .depth     => number      // The current link depth.
  .refcode   => number      // The parent refcode (fingerprint).
  .label     => string      // The current key label (if any).
  .getPubkeyHash() => string : pubkeyHash
  .getAddress()    => string : address
  .getRef()        => number : refcode
  .copy()          => new KeyLink


Don't trust, verify!

All BIP32 specified test vectors should pass. Currently in the progress of adding custom vectors for the new derivation types.

All cryptography is done using the tiny-secp256k1 library, plus the WebCrypto libary. Currently I am using a helper library called Crypto_Utils to provide a better WebCrypto interface (and ripemd160), but you can easily import your own library by checking out the src/crypto.ts file.

If you have a question or run into any issues, please feel free to open a ticket on the issues page!


Currently on the roadmap:

  • Shared key / link derivation (using ECDH).
  • Discreet Log / Adaptor signature API.

More features to come!


All contributions are welcome!


BIP32 Wiki Page

BIP44 Wiki Page




Prototyping deterministic key gen for record encryption

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


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