cstrlcs / tinyplate

A dead simple templating (<38 LOC) engine written in pure typescript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tinyplate is a dead simple templating engine written in pure typescript. It is designed to be super fast, minimal, with zero dependencies and easy to use.

It's tiny with only 37 lines of code and a size of 587 bytes when bundled.


  • Has 0 dependencies
  • Extremely fast
  • Supports HTML encoding
  • Requires no options or configurations for use
  • Works in Node, Bun, Deno, browser, and even your toaster (probably)

The bundle even fits here:

var v=/`|\\/g,w=/\\(`|\\)/g,y=/[\r\t\n]/g,z=/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,F=/<%!([\s\S]+?)%>/g,G=/<%([\s\S]+?(\}?)+)%>/g,H=/\n`;/g;function J(g,j){const b=(i)=>i.replace(w,"$1").replace(y," "),k=`const encode = ${((i)=>{const f={"&":"&#38;","<":"&#60;",">":"&#62;",'"':"&#34;","'":"&#39;","/":"&#47;"};return i.replace(/&(?!#?\w+;)|<|>|"|'|\//g,(q)=>f[q])}).toString()};let _=\`${g.replace(v,"\\$&").replace(z,(i,f)=>`\`+(${b(f)})+\``).replace(F,(i,f)=>`\`+encode(${b(f)})+\``).replace(G,(i,f)=>`\`;${b(f)};_+=\``).replace(H,"`;")}\`;return _;`;return new Function("it",k)(j)}export{J as default};

Important Considerations ⚠️

  • Tinyplate is extremely minimal; it does not have any options or configurations.
  • It allows arbitrary code execution in templates, which can be extremely powerful but also be dangerous. Do not use user input as part of the template.
  • Although it supports HTML encoding through <%! .. %> tags, the library is new and has not been fully tested against code injection. Use caution with untrusted input.
  • If you need more features out of the box, consider trying doT or eta. Both are excellent tools that have inspired this library.


  • Install with npm i tinyplate.js
  • <% .. %> - for code blocks
  • <%= .. %> - for interpolations
  • <%! .. %> - for interpolations with HTML encoding


You can check some examples here and in the examples folder. Even this README is generated using tinyplate.

Basic example

import tinyplate from "tinyplate.js";

tinyplate("<li><%= it.name %></li>", { name: "tinyplate" });

Using a file

import fs from "node:fs";
import tinyplate from "tinyplate.js";

const template = fs.readFileSync("template.txt", "utf8");
tinyplate(template, { name: "tinyplate" });

Layout and partials

import tinyplate from "tinyplate.js";

  <title><%! it.title %></title>
<%= it.body %>

  <h1><%! it.content %></h1>

const context = { title: "tinyplate", content: "Hello, world!" };
tinyplate(LAYOUT_TEMPLATE, {
	body: tinyplate(BODY_TEMPLATE, context),


import tinyplate from "tinyplate.js";

const TEMPLATE = `
  <% for (let i = 0; i < it.amount; i++) { %>
    <li><%= i %></li>
  <% } %>

  <% if (it.name) { %>
    <p>Hello, <%= it.name %>!</p>
  <% } else { %>
    <p>Hello, world!</p>
  <% } %>

tinyplate(TEMPLATE, { name: "tinyplate", amount: 5 });


Tinyplate is heavily inspired by doT and eta. Huge thanks to the creators of doT from where I borrowed the regexes and some of the logic. Also, a big shoutout to the creators of eta for inspiring the templating syntax.


A dead simple templating (<38 LOC) engine written in pure typescript.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%