cstockton / py-emit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Emit Python Client

  "tid": "84546fec-0661-41ac-bedb-3dff65903a5d",
  "time": "2016-01-01T10:10:10.123456-07:00",
  "system": "test.emit",
  "component": "emitter",
  "operation": "ping",
  "event": "open"


Python client library for emitting events. This library has extensive Unit Test Coverage which may serve as a reference for more advanced usage.

Example usage:

  • Using Emit in your application.


    import logging
    from emit.globals import conf
    from emit.emitters import Emitter
    from emit.adapters import StdoutAdapter
    from uuid import uuid4
    # Emit will print log messages at this level.
    # Setting the adapter to stdout for testing
    conf.adapter_class = StdoutAdapter
    conf.debug = True
    # Create emitter, this would probably go in your modules __init__
    emit_cfg = dict(
    emitter = Emitter(**emit_cfg)
    # TID: Represents the transaction ID, indicative of a new "request"
    emitter.tid = str(uuid4())
    # At the start of a transaction if you emit an "open" event it helps you know
    # the transaction started naturally and can be used as the entry point when
    # trying to roll up a given TID.
    with emitter(event='applogic'):
        # Call out to a database?
        # Lets log some interesting part of the db result
        emitter('databaseresult', data={'db_result': 'result'})
        with emitter(event='callsome') as ctx:
            # Context will be added to all events emitted within this scope
            # and discarded once you leave it.
            ctx.data = {'some_host': 'http://example.com'}
            # As you nest your context, an event bread crumb is created for you
            # so that you may enter and exit scopes and the event name will
            # be representitive of the application flow.
            emitter('someresult', data={'some_result': 'result'})
    # Could print out response data
    # At the end of the transaction we emit a "close" to indicate the application
    # provided its own exit point. Even if the request failed from the
    # perspective of the end user, a missing close is meant to indicate an
    # unnatural code path or application crash.


      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.462740Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "open"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.464674Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "applogic"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.466147Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "applogic.enter"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.468706Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "data": {
        "db_result": "result"
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "applogic.databaseresult"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.470734Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "applogic.callsome"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.472647Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "applogic.callsome.enter"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.475656Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "data": {
        "some_result": "result"
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "applogic.callsome.someresult"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.472669Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "applogic.callsome.exit"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.466169Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "applogic.exit"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.483044Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "responding"
      "time": "2016-07-29T20:33:15.484473Z",
      "tid": "29b79925-6ef2-4e52-809e-431733aed9e2",
      "operation": "emitexample",
      "component": "emitexample",
      "system": "emitexample",
      "event": "close"
  • Run unit tests.


    py.test --cov emit --cov-report term-missing ./test \
      | awk '{print "    > " $0}'


    =============================================== test session starts ===============================================
    platform darwin -- Python 2.7.10, pytest-3.0.1, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
    rootdir: py-emit/test, inifile: pytest.ini
    plugins: cov-2.3.1
    collected 464 items
    test/unit/test_adapters.py ..........................................................................................
    test/unit/test_config.py ...
    test/unit/test_decorators.py ......
    test/unit/test_emitter.py .......................................................
    test/unit/test_event.py ........................................................................................................................................
    test/unit/test_globals.py ............................
    test/unit/test_logger.py .....
    test/unit/test_queue.py .............................
    test/unit/test_transports.py ..............................................................................
    test/unit/test_utils.py ..................................
    ---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 2.7.10-final-0 ----------
    Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
    emit/__init__.py         9      0   100%
    emit/adapters.py       230      5    98%   58, 184-186, 188
    emit/config.py          36      0   100%
    emit/decorators.py      58      0   100%
    emit/emitter.py        127      0   100%
    emit/event.py          395      0   100%
    emit/globals.py         86      0   100%
    emit/logger.py          21      0   100%
    emit/queue.py          122      0   100%
    emit/transports.py     274      3    99%   317-319
    emit/utils.py          113      0   100%
    TOTAL                 1471      8    99%
  • Import emit and send a open, ping and close event to the default transport.


    from emit import emit
    print emit.ping()




  • System wide install with pip:


    pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/godaddy/py-emit.git

    python -c 'import emit; print emit.ping()'

  • Install to a virtualenv for local usage as a library:


    mkdir myproject && cd myproject
    virtualenv env
    . env/bin/activate
    pip install git+ssh://git@git@github.com/godaddy/py-emit.git
    python -c 'import emit; emit.ping()'
  • Setup for local development of this library:


    git clone git+https://git@github.com/godaddy/py-emit.git
    mkdir myproject && cd myproject
    virtualenv env
    . env/bin/activate
    pip install -r ../py-emit/requirements.txt
    python -c 'import emit; emit.ping()'
    echo $(realpath $(pwd)/../py-emit) > env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/usrlocal.pth
  • Or local dev with emit directly in your project:


    mkdir myproject && cd myproject
    virtualenv env
    . env/bin/activate
    git clone git+https://git@github.com/godaddy/py-emit.git
    ln -s py-emit/emit .
    pip install -r emit/requirements.txt
    python -c 'import emit; emit.ping()'
  • Run tests with coverage:


    env/bin/py.test --cov=emit --cov-report term-missing ./test/

Bugs and Patches

Feel free to report bugs and submit pull requests.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.6%Language:Makefile 0.4%