csmake / webmysql

Accessing server-side MySQL through client javascript API.

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About us

Accessing server-side MySQL through client javascript API. This project is a branch of dbcloud

You can do almost invoke on MySQL through the javascript API in browser.

The client javascript api support IE6.0+ Chrome FireFox and Wechat

web: http://www.csmake.com

mail: rd@csmake.com

Application scenarios

  • Rapid prototyping does not need to write server-side code.

  • Academic teaching and research, WYSIWYG

  • Enterprise internal application

  • Other applications that do not focus on the security of the database table structure.

Start the basic project

  1. Run MySQL first.
  2. Put webmysql.war in your servlet server webapps ,Apache Tomcat8.0 , Glass Fish Server4.x and so on.
  3. Open browser(Chrome FireFox IE) and put http://localhost:8080/webmysql/, The address may be different depending on your settings

Start to write your web application

  1. Copy Statement.java and StatementServlet.java from webmysql.war /src/java/.. , into your src/java/org/dbcloud/mysql

  2. Copy all *.js files in webmysql.war /js to your js directory. JQuery is necessary. IE6.0 need to use the 1.x version and json2.js is necessary.

  3. Edit the web.xml, like this:

  1. Edit your html file, you can see the index.html
	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html >
        <title>MySQL demo</title>
        <div id='log'></div>
    <script src="js/jQuery-1.12.4.js"></script>
    <script src="js/org.dbcloud.mysql.Statement.js"></script> 
        function log(msg) {
            $("#log").append("<p>" + msg.replace("\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>");
        try {
            log("MySQL Test:");
            var stmt = new org.dbcloud.mysql.Statement();
            if (stmt) {
                var result;
                log("create table:" + JSON.stringify(stmt.execute("create table if not exists temp_user(name char(50) ,id int ) ")));
                var start = new Date().getTime();
                var total = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                    var sqls = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                        sqls.push("insert into temp_user(name,id) values('names" + i + "'," + i + ")");
                    log("" + JSON.stringify(stmt.execute(sqls)) + "");
                log((new Date().getTime() - start) / 1000 + "'s insert " + total + " records!");

                result = stmt.executeQuery("select name ,id  from temp_user", {document: true});
                log("Synchronize the query and return the document structure data, which can be operated directly as a JSON object:");
                if (result.rows && result.rows.length > 0)
                log("Synchronize query and return two dimensional table structure data:");
                result = stmt.executeQuery("select name ,id  from temp_user");
                if (result.error) {
                    log("error:" + result.error.message + "\ncode:" + result.error.code + "\nSQLState:" + result.error.SQLState);
                stmt.executeQuery({done: function (r) {
                        log("Asynchronous query:" + JSON.stringify(r));
                    }, fail: function (e) {
                    }, always: function () {
                        log("Deleting the datasheet and closing the data link");
                        stmt.execute("drop table temp_user")
                        //stmt.close();//If a server shares a link, it should not be closed.
                    }}, "select * from temp_user", {document: false});
        } catch (e) {


Accessing server-side MySQL through client javascript API.


Language:JavaScript 51.0%Language:Java 48.2%Language:HTML 0.8%