cslearngo / multiscale-attention-patch-matching

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Paying Attention to Multiscale Feature Maps in Multimodal Image Matching

teaser architecture fig

We propose an attention-based approach for multimodal image patch matching using a Transformer encoder attending to the feature maps of a multiscale Siamese CNN. Our encoder is shown to efficiently aggregate multiscale image embeddings while emphasizing task-specific appearance-invariant image cues. We also introduce an attention-residual architecture, using a residual connection bypassing the encoder. This additional learning signal facilitates end-to-end training from scratch.

System requirements

  • Code was developed and tested on Windows 10.
  • 64-bit Python 3.8.5.
  • Pytorch 1.7.1 or newer.
  • One or more NVIDIA GPUs with 11 GB RAM or more. We used three GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.
  • NVIDIA driver 460.89 or newer, CUDA toolkit 11.2 or newer.


Install python dependencies using:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The following datasets are already preprocessed for efficient training:

  1. [VisNir] https://biu365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/kellery1_biu_ac_il/EmMhyd3UdKNIr0O8IpAUcJwBgMEYXRJS7lA2WCSk9X15vg?e=yVNVu3.
  2. [En etal] https://biu365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/kellery1_biu_ac_il/EuQ70WqSFLNNk7JjYof0kPIBpblOCiJprqUBzSaT5Rhd8A?e=iBvv7z.
  3. [UBC] https://biu365-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/kellery1_biu_ac_il/EfcO4wg0jIFAlJKu5TRhyMYBP-Mpb6buYube1or_zV0guA?e=tCsnTt.

Re-arrange the test folders with the test datasets containing the appropriate data as follows: test_yos_not, test_lib_yos, test_lib_not, for training on liberty, notredame and yosemite respectively.


Run the following command:

python train.py --dataset-name=visnir --dataset-path=<visnir_downloaded_path>

For further configurations run -h with the above command. You may need to set num_workers to 0 in the train dataloader when training on UBC, depending on your hardware.




Language:Python 100.0%