cslarsen / q

Prints C/C++ definitions from current directory

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Update: Use gtags instead :-)

This looked nice at the beginning, but was way to slow for large projects. And, anyway, there's gtags, which looks really great. So this project is dead and only left here for posterity.

I'm not a fan of ctags (probably because I don't know much about it yet), but gtags seems pretty neat!

But here's a quick guide on using gtags.

Building gtags on Redhat

Got a linker error. You need to link with libtinfo:

$ tar xf global*
$ cd global-*
$ LIBS=-ltinfo ./configure --prefix=...
$ make -j check
$ make -j install

Creating and using gtags

Now, to create tags for a large project:

$ cd proj/
$ gtags

To locate functions:

$ global -x func

Reindexing with git

See http://tbaggery.com/2011/08/08/effortless-ctags-with-git.html

And use gtags instead of ctags. Then all your git operations (checkout, pull, rebase, etc) will reindex in the background.

You can probably do this cleverly, but to get started, this is what I did. I added hooks/gtags:

#! /bin/sh
set -e
dir="`git rev-parse --git-dir`"
cd $dir/..
if [ ! -f GTAGS ]; then
global -u

It basically places GTAGS etc in your project root. You probably want to place the GTAGS files elsewhere and then move them over when they're finished, so that global won't attempt to use a half-finished gtags file (since it's run int he background; see below).

Also, you can probably do gtags --single-update filename as in the original script with git ls, which will be faster.

The hooks/post-rewrite does this:

#! /bin/sh
case "$1" in
  rebase) exec .git/hooks/post-merge ;;

And post-merge, post-commit and post-checkout do:

#! /bin/sh
.git/hooks/gtags >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Seems to work nicely, except that many of our .h files are actually C++, so I need to figure out how to get gtags to parse them as such (gtags --explain indicates that they are parsed as C files).

To fix that, I just added this into ~/.globalrc:


More command line usage

To grep for something, do

$ global -g pattern

I've added an alias that displays some details:

$ alias gg='global -x'

So now I can do:

$ gg foobar # exact search
$ gg -g foobar # grep-like search

In vim

You can also use gtags.vim for vim. To do that:

$ vim
:source .../gtags.vim

Now you can do

:Gtags func

OLD: q: Prints C/C++ definitions, usages, etc.

Prints C/C++ definitions, usages and so on for all files in the current directory.

The point is to easily grep for class definitions, calls to specific functions, and so on. For example, to find the declaration of the function foo_file, just do:

$ q -r | grep function-decl:foo_file
tests/foo/foo.c:1:5:function-decl:foo_file:int foo_file() {

To find out where this function is called from:

$ q -r | grep call:foo_file
tests/foo/foo.c:7:14:call:foo_file:  return 1 + foo_file();

Of course, q doesn't care about stuff like namespaces, compilation units and so on, and thus won't discern between multiple foo_file functions.

To find calls to either foo or bar:

$ q -r | egrep 'call:(foo|bar):'
tests/test.cpp:40:3:call:foo:  f.foo();
tests/test.cpp:41:3:call:bar:  f.bar();
tests/test.cpp:42:3:call:foo:  foo();
tests/test.cpp:43:3:call:bar:  bar();

For large code bases, you can just dump everything to a cache:

$ q -r > .qcache
$ grep call:foo_file .qcache
tests/foo/foo.c:7:14:call:foo_file:  return 1 + foo_file();


I've been looking for a tool like this for some time, but haven't found anything. (Perhaps I haven't looked hard enough). If you know any, please let me know! (Or let me know how ctags actually works)

But if you like this one, let me know as well, and I just might add some spit and polish.


  • libclang for Python
  • pip install ansicolors (well, not strictly used right now)

Note that the hash bang sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to a specific value I use on my machine. I know it's ugly, but this is sooo alpha.

Program arguments

  • -r: Optional flag to recurse into subdirectories


Public domain


$ q -r | grep function-decl | grep foo_file
tests/foo/foo.c:1:5:function-decl:foo_file:int foo_file() {

$ q -r
tests/test.cpp:5:7:class-decl:Foo:class Foo; // forward
tests/test.cpp:6:6:function-decl:foo:void foo(); // forward
tests/test.cpp:8:7:class-decl:Foo:class Foo {
tests/test.cpp:10:3:ctor:Foo:  Foo()
tests/test.cpp:14:3:dtor:~Foo:  ~Foo()
tests/test.cpp:18:8:method:bar:  void bar() {


Prints C/C++ definitions from current directory


Language:Python 90.8%Language:C++ 7.3%Language:C 1.9%