csgaobb / det

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



序号 时间 论文名字 会议 git
1 2015.12.8 SSD Deconvolutional Single Shot Detector ECCV2016
2 2017.1.23 DSSD Deconvolutional Single Shot Detector
3 2017.5.26 R-SSD Enhancement of SSD by concatenating feature maps for object detection
4 2017.07.18 RUN:Residual Features and Unified Prediction Network for Single Stage Detection git
5 2017.7.26 Detecting Small Signs from Large Images
6 2017.8.17 S3FD Single Shot Scale-invariant Face Detector
7 2016.8.24 Online Real-time Multiple Spatiotemporal Action Localisation and Prediction ICCV 2017 git
8 2017.8.27 Context-aware single-shot detector
9 2017.9.15 Feature-Fused SSD: Fast Detection for Small Objects
10 2017.11.18 Single-Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection git
11 2017.11.27 Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection git
12 2017.12.1 Single-Shot Object Detection with Enriched Semantics
13 2017.12.4 FSSD: Feature Fusion Single Shot Multibox Detector
14 2017.12.8 Weaving Multi-scale Context for Single Shot Detector


对比条件: (T):Titanx Maxwell (P):Titan X Pascal GPU Speed(P)=2*Speed(T) 以下数据全部来自论文统计

序号 方法 输入大小 基础网络 速度fps mAP(VOC07) mAP(VOC12) 备注
1 SSD 300 VGG16 46 77.2 75.8
2 DSSD 300 Resnet-101 9.5 78.6 76.3
3 RefineDet 320 VGG16 40.3 80 78.1
4 DES 300 VGG16 34 79.5 77 67.8(P)
5 DSOD 300 DS/64-192-48-1 17.4 77.7 -
6 R-SSD 300 VGG16 37.1 78.5 -
7 RUN3WAY 300 VGG16 40 79.2
8 FSSD 300 VGG16 33 78.8 - 65.6(P)
9 DiCSSD 300 VGG16 40.8 78.1 - -
10 DeCSSD 300 VGG16 39.8 77.6
11 Proposed element-sum model 300 VGG16 43 78.9
12 RFBNet 300 VGG16 43 80.5
13 RFBNet 300 VGG16 83 80.5
- -
序号 方法 输入大小 基础网络 速度fps mAP(VOC07) mAP(VOC12) 备注
1 SSD 512 VGG16 19 79.8 78.5
2 DSSD 513 Resnet-101 5.5 81.5 80
3 RefineDet 512 VGG16 24.1 81.8 80.1
4 DES 512 VGG16 14 81.6 80.2 27.2(P)
5 R-SSD 512 VGG16 15.8 80.8
6 RUN3WAY 512 VGG16 19.5 80.9
7 FSSD 512 VGG16 18 80.9 - 35.7(P)
8 RFB 512 VGG16 18 82.2
9 RFBNet 512 VGG16 38 82.23



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