cseHdz / Linux_Server

This repository contains the project for Udacity Linux Server Configuration

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Linux Server

This repository contains the project for Udacity Linux Server Configuration


Terminal Client to Run SSH into Linux.

Connection Details

URL: http://eo-u1604-vm3.southcentralus.cloudapp.azure.com
IP Address:

Connection: ssh grader@ -p 2200 -i /location_of_rsa_key
User: grader

Project Overview

This repository covers the requirements for Udacity - Full Stack Web Development Item Catalog project.

This project was created using a Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.
The machine is located in Microsofts Azure Cloud Computing Platform and Services.

On deployment the machine was upgrade through:

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get upgrade

The following configurations were performed on the server:
Timezone was upgraded thorugh sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata. Select None of the Above. Select UTC.

1. System Packages

The following packages were installed through sudo apt-get install

  • Apache: apache2
  • WSGI: libapache2-mod-wsgi
  • PostgreSQL: postgresql
  • Git: git
  • Pip: pip

2. Security

  1. Enable ports 2200, 80, and 123 in Azure.
  2. Change SSH port to 2200, disable password based authentication, and disable remote login by root by running:
    • sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    • Change the port to Port 2200
    • Change PasswordAutherntication to no
    • Change Permit
  3. Configure Uncomplicated Firewall:
    • sudo ufw default deny incoming
    • sudo ufw default allow outgoing
    • sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp
    • sudo ufw allow www or sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
    • sudo ufw allow 123/tcp
    • sudo ufw enable

3. Grader User Details

  1. Create user 'grader' through sudo adduser grader
  2. Give sudo permissions to grader through:
    • Copy sudoers file: sudo cp /etc/sudoers.d/eoadmin /etc/sudoers.d/grader
    • Replace username in file to grader
  3. Create an SSH pair for grader by running:
    • Create RSA key: ssh-keygen. Key will be located in resulting .pub file.
    • Run sudo nano .ssh/authorized_keys and copy Public Key in this file. Save Changes.
  4. Secure the directories with the RSA Keys:
    • sudo chmod 700 .ssh (Only user can read, write, execute)
    • sudo chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys (Use can read and write, others can only read)

4. PostgreSQL Setup

  1. Create catalog database through CREATE DATABASE catalog
  2. Setup & initialize the database:
    • Setup:python /var/www/html/Item_Catalog/Item_Catalog/database_setup.py
    • Initialize:python /var/www/html/Item_Catalog/Item_Catalog/initialize_database.py
  3. Login to the database psql -d catalog
  4. Add new users www-data and www to ensure psycop2g compatibility createuser username
  5. Grant permissions to new user for CRUD operations
    • GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE ON category to "www-data";
    • GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE ON category to "www";
  6. Exit the database with \q

5. WSGI Setup

  1. Modify the default site through sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
  2. Enter the following code after the first set of commentary:
     WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/html/Item_Catalog/app_WSGI.wsgi
     <Directory /var/www/html/Item_Catalog/Item_Catalog/>
       Allow from all
       Order deny,allow
     Alias /static /var/www/html/Item_Catalog/Item_Catalog/static/
    <Directory /var/www/html/Item_Catalog/Item_Catalog/static/>
           Allow from all
           Order deny,allow
  3. Restart apache sudo apache2ctl restart

6. Item Catalog Application

  1. Navigate to the app's desired directory through cd /var/www/html
  2. Initialize git on the folder sudo git init
  3. Clone GitHub repository for Item_Catalog sudo git clone https://github.com/cseHdz/Item_Catalog.git
  4. The app is located in the local_flask branch sudo git reset --hard origin/local_flask
  5. The following packages were installed through sudo -H pip install
    • Flask Flask
    • SQLAlchemy sqlalchemy
    • Psycopg2 psycopg2
    • oauth2client oauth2client
    • httplib2 httplib2
    • requests requests
  6. For system packages please refer to Section 1.


This repository contains the project for Udacity Linux Server Configuration