Christian Schladetsch's repositories
A Unity3d game inspired by Chess, MtG and SC2. The playfield is a NxM board. Players take turns casting spells, which can summon a creature to the board, add an item to a creature, or do other special effects. Attacking and movement of the pieces are mostly Chess-based, except that pieces have Health. Full rules are available on the wiki pages.
KAI is a distributed computing model written in modern C++ and is cross-plaftorm. Using custom language translators and an executor, KAI provides full reflection, persistence and cross-process communications without having to modify existing source code. KAI Comes with an automated, generational tricolor garbage collector, and Console- and Window-based interfaces.
C++20 program that converts mathematical expressions from standard infix notation to Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) and then calculates the definite integral over various ranges.
This project is a C++ code analysis tool that uses the Phi language model to provide insights and answer questions about a C++ repo.
A forth calculator written in Ada.
A cacluator written in assembly language. It accepts written text and gives useful output.
An interactive ASCII animation of the logistic map's chaotic behavior.
Assembly code to generate a simple bitmap image using NASM (Netwide Assembler) on a Linux system or WS L (Windows Subsystem for Linux). The main goal is to create a bitmap (`output.bmp`) with basic pixel manipulation in assembly.
A simple raytracer written in 64-bit assembly (NASM) for Linux, rendering spheres with basic shading into a BMP image.
A C++/Rust tool to efficiently compare large text files. It uses multi-threading to handle large file sizes and marks discrepancies with visual indicators. Includes a Python script for generating large test files with controlled differences.
A simple ray tracer implemented in C++23 that renders 3D scenes as ASCII art in the console. This project demonstrates modern C++ features, parallel processing with OpenMP, and basic 3D graphics concepts.
A very basic Qt app with a text input and button. Written using WSL/Ubuntu.
IDA* Pathfinding Visualizer An efficient implementation of the Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) algorithm for pathfinding on a 2D grid, featuring ASCII visualization. Written in C++23, this project demonstrates advanced search techniques with a focus on performance and low memory usage.
A fast and efficient C++23 JSON parser implementation with comprehensive test suite and easy-to-use API
A high-performance, lock-free queue implementation in C++23 with a multi-threaded producer-consumer test harness. Features colorful output and easy build/run scripts.
C++23 Verlet Integration using N bodies.
A C++ application that performs real-time FFT analysis on audio files and visualizes the frequency spectrum.
A C++ raytracer with reflections, soft shadows, and a real-time progress spinner. Features multithreaded rendering and customizable 3D scenes.
A simple Rust implementation of a game window using the `ggez` library. It creates a window with a movable w hite square that can be controlled using arrow keys.
A simple yet powerful raytracer implemented in Rust. Features include reflection, soft shadows, specular highlights, and customizable scenes. Demonstrates fundamental raytracing techniques with a focus on performance and image quality.
An optimised C++17 implemtation of 'du -sh | sort -rh' for WSL Ubuntu.
Common shared functionality for managing git repos and general development using a bash shell such as `git-bash`.
Bash scripts that use ffmpeg to make recording, encoding videos easier.