cscheid / emphatic

ANSI colouring of R output

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{emphatic} uses ANSI colouring in the terminal to add user-controlled highlighting to data.frames and other R output.

What’s in the box

  • hl() for user-controlled highlighting of data.frames
  • hl_diff() for highlighting differences between two objects
  • hl_grep() highlight regular expression matches in an object or string

hl_ prefix can be read as highlight


You can install from GitHub with:

# install.package('remotes')
remotes::install_github('coolbutuseless/emphatic', ref = 'main')

hl() - user-controlled highlighting of data.frames

  • specify rows and columns you want to highlight
  • specify a colour
    • a single colour
    • a vector of colours
    • a ggplot2 “Scale” object e.g. scale_colour_continuous()

hl() simple example of highlighting a data.frame

By default, colouring will be applied to all rows and columns.

mtcars |>
  head(15) |>
  hl(c('red', 'white', 'blue')) 

hl() complex example of highlighting a data.frame

A more complex example showing how to highlight the mtcars dataset where:

  • colour each row to indicate the miles-per-gallon rating
  • do not colour the gear or carb columns
  • highlight the car with the minimum horsepower (hp) in hotpink

Note also that hl() calls are cumulative, and you can build up the highlighting you need step by step

mtcars |>
  head(15) |>
    palette     = ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_c(),
    cols        = mpg,      # Where the colour scale is calculated
    scale_apply = mpg:disp, # Where the colour scale is applied
    show_legend = TRUE
  ) |>
  hl('hotpink', rows = hp == min(hp), cols = hp:carb) 

hl_diff() highlight difference between two objects

The Levenshtein edit distance is calculated between the string representation of two objects and these edits are then coloured 🟢 = insert, 🔴 = delete, 🔵 = substitute.

x <- "Paris in the the spring?"
y <- "Not Paris in the spring!"
hl_diff(x, y)

Levenshtein’s edit distance naturally applies to strings, but hl_diff() can visualise the difference between arbitrary objects by first converting them to a string representation. Coercion to a string is controlled by the coerce argument, and defaults to the output if the objects were print()ed.

In this example, the difference between the mean() and median() function definitions is highlighted.

hl_diff(mean, median, coerce = 'print', sep = " ")

hl_grep() highlight regular expression matches in objects

hl_grep() highlights the regular expression matches within a string or objects coerced into a string representation.

Highlight regular expression matches in a character string

gettysburg <- c(
  "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on",
  "this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the", 
  "proposition that all men are created equal."
hl_grep(gettysburg, "men.*equal")

Highlight regular expression matches within an object

Other R objects (functions, lists, data.frames, etc) can also be highlighted with regular expressions. How an object is coerced into string representation is controlled by the coerce argument.

In this example, the function body for mode() is searched for the word switch:

hl_grep(mode, 'switch')


  • hl_opts() create a named list of default options accepted by the functions in this package
  • hl_adjust() to adjust options after creation.
  • Set the following options to control global behaviour within a session.
    • HL_NA
  • The above R options are initialised using Sys.getenv() during package start, and otherwise use a default value. Set these values as environment variables in your .Rprofile to save your preferred settings across different sessions. e.g.
    • Sys.setenv(HL_NA = FALSE) prior to loading package
    • options(HL_NA = FALSE) at any time


See the online documentation for vignettes and more examples.


ANSI colouring of R output



Language:R 100.0%