cryptosbyte / cryptosbyte

✍ My Github Public Profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Full Stack Programmer

Languages I Know: Bash, NodeJS, TypeScript, Python, HTML, CSS
🔂 Languages I Sometimes Use: C


Project Name Description Type
DiscordUserWidget v1.0.0 Backend Server that responds
with a user profile widget.
HTTP Server
Wingman PRE-v1.0 A utility library that compliments
tidy & efficient (inspired by Lodash).
Typescript Library
Ert v1.0 A CLI tool, inspired by Serve, that
"serves" local HTML/CSS/JS pages).
CLI Tool
SolidScript v1-BETA A toy Python 2.x syntax-like language. Toy Language


✍ My Github Public Profile