cruzdanilo / eth-connect

πŸ”Œ Ethereum connector for Decentraland scenes and applications

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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eth-connect is a TypeScript-based web3 library alternative which implements the Generic JSON RPC spec as well.

You can follow the JavaScript API documentation until TypeScript docs are released.

Design goals

  • A Typed web3.js alternative
  • Have as few convention-invented functions as possible (by following the RPC specs as much as possible)
  • Leverage WS and HTTP providers
  • Portable (support and work equally in both browser and node)
  • Painless eth usage: Using contract factories, well-split event types (block, transaction and contracts plus topics)
  • async/await out of the box


Using NPM:

npm i eth-connect

Importing as a browser module:

<script src=""></script>


Below are some simple illustrative examples. You can also find more complete examples are in the integration /tests folder.

Initialize with a provider

import { RequestManager } from 'eth-connect'

// using the injected MetaMask provider
const requestManager = new RequestManager(web3.currentProvider)

const myBalance = await requestManager.eth_getBalance(myAddress)


import { RequestManager, HTTPProvider } from 'eth-connect'

const provider = 'my-own-RPC-url'
const providerInstance = new HTTPProvider(provider)
const requestManager = new RequestManager(providerInstance)

const someBalance = await requestManager.eth_getBalance(someAddress)

Initialize a contract

import { RequestManager, ContractFactory } from 'eth-connect'

const abi = require('./some-contract-abi.json')
// using the injected MetaMask provider
const requestManager = new RequestManager(web3.currentProvider)

const factory = new ContractFactory(requestManager, abi)
const instance = await

console.log('Calling a method', await

Get the accounts

import { RequestManager } from 'eth-connect'

const requestManager = new RequestManager(web3.currentProvider)

const accounts = await requestManager.eth_accounts()

Build the project

Clone this project and run the following in the terminal:

make build

Run tests

make test-local


web3 eth-connect
Browser support βœ” βœ”
Promise API βœ– βœ”
Strict type checks βœ– βœ”
TS/JS Docs βœ– βœ”
Wiki Docs βœ” ?
Install size

Project Status

You can find full documentation here.

You may find issues while using this library, as it's still under development. Please report any issues you come accross.


πŸ”Œ Ethereum connector for Decentraland scenes and applications



Language:TypeScript 98.6%Language:Makefile 0.7%Language:JavaScript 0.7%