crossdsection / reddit-demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A demo backend for a social platform with posts, threads and reactions.


  • Node.js
  • Hapi.js
  • Swagger
  • Redis
  • BeeQueue
  • MongoDB
  • Docker

Dependency Installations

  • NVM-NODEJS-NPM - This backend is written in nodeJS

  • Bcrypt - The codebase utilises bcrypt which has a dependency

sudo apt-get install build-essential libffi-dev python-dev

sudo apt install


Open Project Repository in terminal -

  • Latest image building and initial local check
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
  • Once the above had built all images and finished launching. Use localhost:3000 for our test the API endpoints provided below

Launching the Swarm Cluster

  • Ready all our manager and worker machines.

  • In the manager machine, run below code -

sudo docker swarm init --advertise-addr

  • The IP address provided will be our gateway for accessing the project.

  • Running the above command will output a command for joining the swarm like below -

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4ptrecnw57hpysjo8eo9r2ye7dr6dnzv953fm3kewg4az5vxa5-49pjkbzmgnjv8p7q6s4l2fgjx

  • Add sudo and run this command in our worker machines, we will get the output - This node joined as a worker

  • We can verify the above by running below command in our manager machine -

sudo docker node ls

  • Now run below command in the project directory on the manager machine -

sudo docker stack deploy -c docker-stack.yml --with-registry-auth reddit-demo

  • Run below command to list service names -

sudo docker service ls

  • Run below commands to see the distribution of services across nodes

sudo docker service ps 'servicename1' 'servicename2' --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Name}}\t{{.Node}}'

  • We will get an output like below
ID                  NAME                      NODE
oc8eczare6wv        reddit-demo_app.1         manager
u3mz2zgn085a         \_ reddit-demo_app.1     worker2
afdgmos1hbyh         \_ reddit-demo_app.1     worker1
tou3u1t26vk5        reddit-demo_micro.1       manager
wo142yj90hbs         \_ reddit-demo_micro.1   worker1
feuc5ymz3jn7         \_ reddit-demo_micro.1   worker1
fstbz8kthp5l        reddit-demo_mongodb.1     worker3
951docut0zav        reddit-demo_redisdb.1     manager


  • Open Postman
  • Import the RedditDemo.postman_collection.json

API Documentation

  • API Documentation will be available at the below url using Swagger

  • Otherwise API description is also available in the postman collection.

To Be Worked on Usage of private registry.

sudo docker pull registry:2

sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

sudo docker ps 



Language:JavaScript 73.9%Language:Shell 25.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%