cromewar / DAO-Full-Stack

A full Stack DAO using the standards of the industry and building a fully functional frontend.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build your own DAO from Scratch, Smart Contracts, Moralis API with Backend and Complete Frontend.


Go to the frontend folder and install the dependencies with yarn


change the .env.example on the main directory and add your private keys for:

  • Wallet Private Key.
  • Infura Project ID.
  • Etherscan API key.

On the Backend folder inside "tokens" change the .env.example and add your Moralis Private key.

Install the python dependencies for the env:

  • eth-brownie
  • django
  • web3


Run the backend with python with.

    python runserver

Run the frontend with npm.

    npm start



A full Stack DAO using the standards of the industry and building a fully functional frontend.


Language:JavaScript 56.9%Language:Python 24.7%Language:Solidity 12.6%Language:HTML 2.9%Language:CSS 2.7%Language:Shell 0.2%