cristip's repositories
BlazeDS Plugin
Algorithm Visualizer
LocalStorageService for Angular 2 with thesame API as angular-local-storage
Algorithm implementations
This project demonstrates a series of best practices for improving the security of containerized applications deployed to Kubernetes Engine. You will deploy multiple instances of the same container image with a variety of security settings to illustrate the use of RBAC, security contexts, and AppArmor policies.
This guide demonstrates how to improve the security of your Kubernetes Engine by applying fine-grained restrictions to network communication. You will provision a simple HTTP server and two client pods in a Kubernetes Engine cluster, then use a Network Policy restrict connections from client pods.
This project covers two use cases for RBAC within a Kubernetes Engine cluster. First, assigning different permissions to user personas. Second, granting limited API access to an application running within your cluster. Since RBAC's flexibility can occasionally result in complex rules, you will also perform common steps for troubleshooting RBAC as a part of the second scenario.
This lab demonstrates some of the security concerns of a default Kubernetes Engine cluster configuration and the corresponding hardening measures to prevent multiple paths of pod escape and cluster privilege escalation.
Joacă-te cu limba română construind arbori
Design patterns implemented in Java
A javascript finite state machine library
Module to easily control an olimex mod-io board in python.
StarlingPunk is a framework built on top the Starling library designed to add structure and organization to your 2D game projects. It’s perfect for rapidly prototyping ideas and promotes code reuse between projects. As you may have been able to tell from the name, StarlingPunk is heavily inspired by the popular FlashPunk framework, although its not a direct port.