crimson-med / reperio

Simple, lightweight library to parse and scrap html pages.

Repository from Github https://github.comcrimson-med/reperioRepository from Github https://github.comcrimson-med/reperio


Reperio /reˈpe.ri.oː/, [rɛˈpɛrioː], to discover.

Reperio is a simple, lightweight library to parse and scrap html pages.


yarn add reperio


Benchmarching is the time it takes to do the following actions:

Action Time (ms)
new Parser(20lines) 0.49 ms
new Parser(20lines).extractUrls() 0.49 ms
new Parser(20000lines) 5.61 ms
new Parser(2000lines).extractUrls() 6.11 ns


Creating a Parser

There are two ways to invoke a parser:

  • Pass a string payload to the constructor
const parser = new Parser(`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Reperio Website</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        console.log("Me awesome script")
    <h1>Welcome to the website</h1>
    <p>Welcome to the reperio test website</p>
    <p>Burlet Mederic</p>

// Reperio Website
  • Pass a URL to the parserFromUrl function

parserFromUrl returns a promise of the following format.

parserFromUrl("").then(({error, parser}) => {
    if(parser) {
        // Products - ScrapeMe


Once the parser is returned you can access the following components

  • title: string

The title of the page

  • head: string

Everything in between <head></head>

  • body: string

Everything in between <body></body>

  • footer: string

Everything in between <footer></footer>

  • meta: MetaHTMLTag[]

Will return an array of MetaHTMLTag for each <meta> tag.

export interface MetaHTMLTag extends HTMLTag {
    attribute: HTMLTagName.meta
    charset: string | undefined
    content: string | undefined
    name: string | undefined
  • media.images: ImgHTMLTag[]

Will return an array of ImgHTMLTag for each <img> tag.

export interface ImgHTMLTag extends HTMLTag {
    attribute: HTMLTagName.img
    src: string | undefined
    alt: string | undefined
    height: string | undefined
    width: string | undefined
    body?: undefined
  • media.videos: VideoHTMLTag[]

Will return an array of VideoHTMLTag for each <video> tag.

export interface VideoHTMLTag extends HTMLTag {
    autoplay: string | undefined
    controls: string | undefined
    loop: string | undefined
    poster: string | undefined
    src: string | undefined
    height: string | undefined
    width: string | undefined
  • links.links: LinkHTMLTag[]

Will return an array of LinkHTMLTag for each <link> tag.

export interface LinkHTMLTag extends HTMLTag {
    href: string | undefined
    crossorigin: string | undefined
    rel: string | undefined
    type: string | undefined
    body?: undefined
  • links.anchors: AnchorHTMLTag[]

Will return an array of AnchorHTMLTag for each <a> tag.

export interface AnchorHTMLTag extends HTMLTag {
    attribute: HTMLTagName.a
    download: string | undefined
    href: string | undefined
    target: string | undefined
    type: string | undefined
  • styles: StyleHTMLTag[]

Will return an array of StyleHTMLTag for each <style> tag.

export interface StyleHTMLTag extends HTMLTag {
    type: string | undefined
    body: string | undefined
  • scripts: ScriptHTMLTag[]

Will return an array of ScriptHTMLTag for each <script> tag.

export interface ScriptHTMLTag extends HTMLTag {
    attribute: HTMLTagName.script
    async: string | undefined
    crossorigin: string | undefined
    defer: string | undefined
    integrity: string | undefined
    src: string | undefined
    type: string | undefined
    body: string | undefined

extractUrls(removeDuplicates = true)

This function will extract all the urls found in:

  • images
  • videos
  • links
  • anchors
  • scripts

By default the function remove duplicates; you can set the removeDuplicates flag to false.

extractImages(downloadLocation: string, removeDuplicates = true)

This function will download all images to the specified folder in downloadLocation

By default the function remove duplicates; you can set the removeDuplicates flag to false.

findSentenceWithWord(payload: string, searchedTerm: string)

This function will return all the sentences that have the matching term.

const para = `As she did so, a most extraordinary thing happened. Some random sentence with flung in it. The bed-clothes gathered themselves together, leapt up suddenly into a sort of peak, and then jumped headlong over the bottom rail. It was exactly as if a hand had clutched them in the centre and flung them aside. Immediately after, .........`
const foundSentences = findSentenceWithWord(para, "flung")
"Some random sentence with flung in it.",
"It was exactly as if a hand had clutched them in the centre and flung them aside."

Other functions

All the functions used for parsing a payload are available for individual use.

  • removeWhitespace(payload: string)

Will remove all new lines and double spaces.

  • parseTitle

Extracts the content of the <title></title> tag.

  • parseHead

Extracts the content of the <head></head> tag.

  • parseBody

Extracts the content of the <body></body> tag.

  • parseFooter

Extracts the content of the <footer></footer> tag.

  • parseMeta

Extracts all the <meta></meta> tags

  • parseImages

Extracts all the <img> tags

  • parseVideos

Extracts all the <video></video> tags

  • parseLinks

Extracts all the <link> tags

  • parseAnchors

Extracts all the <a></a> tags

  • parseStyles

Extracts all the <style> tags

  • parseScripts

Extracts all the <script></script> tags


Please look at any open issues for submitting PRs

Follow established code principles

Update tests in src/__tests__.


Burlet Mederic


Simple, lightweight library to parse and scrap html pages.


Language:HTML 73.0%Language:TypeScript 27.0%