creativetimofficial / ct-nuxt-now-ui-kit-pro

Nuxt version of Now UI Kit Pro

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Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO is a premium Bootstrap 4 kit provided by Invision and Creative Tim. It is built over Nuxt, Vue.js and Bootstrap. It is a beautiful cross-platform UI kit featuring over 1000 components, 34 sections and 11 example pages.

Now UI Kit is one of the most popular UI Kits online, provided in PSD and Sketch formats by Invision. We wanted to find a way for developers worldwide to benefit from using it and created the fully coded version of it.

Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO will help you create a clean and simple website that is a perfect fit for today's flat design. It is built using the Bootstrap 4's 12 column grid system, with components designed to look awesome together. It makes use of bold colours, beautiful typography, clear photography and spacious arrangements.

Create awesome, lifelike prototypes with InVision and Now so your users can experience and give feedback on your vision!

To get the PSD and Sketch files, please visit Invision. We used 100 Icons from our friends from Nucleo Icons, check their 20.000 icons here.

Nuxt Support

Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO is built on top of Bootstrap 4 using Nuxt and Vue.js.

Bootstrap 4 Support

Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO is built on top of the much awaited Bootstrap 4. This makes starting a new project very simple. It also provides benefits if you are already working on a Bootstrap 4 project; you can just import the Now UI Kit style over it.


Now UI Kit PRO is coming with 34 pre-made sections and practically infinite possibilities to generate more sections using the provided components, their classes and colors. You can view all sections here.

Example Pages

We wanted to fully display the power of this kit, so the kit comes packed with examples showing you how to use the components. Inside the product you will find:

Tutorial & Documentation

In order for you to easily be able to use the Now UI kit, we have created a tutorial page. It shows the structure for the files inside the archive and how to import them. It then features every components with a description and example of how to use it.

Check the full documentation here.

Let us know your thoughts below. And good luck with development!

Table of Contents


HTML Angular Vue Nuxt React
Now UI Kit Pro HTML Now UI Kit Pro Angular Vue Now UI Kit Pro Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO


Quick start

Quick start options:


The documentation for the Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO is hosted at our website.

File Structure

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files:

|-- nuxt-now-ui-kit-pro
    |-- .editorconfig
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- nuxt.config.js
    |-- package.json
    |-- yarn.lock
    |-- assets
    |   |--
    |   |-- fonts
    |   |   |--
    |   |   |-- nucleo-outline.eot
    |   |   |-- nucleo-outline.ttf
    |   |   |-- nucleo-outline.woff
    |   |   |-- nucleo-outline.woff2
    |   |-- sass
    |       |-- demo.scss
    |       |-- now-ui-kit.scss
    |       |-- now-ui-kit
    |           |-- _alerts.scss
    |           |-- _badges.scss
    |           |-- _buttons.scss
    |           |-- _cards.scss
    |           |-- _carousel.scss
    |           |-- _checkboxes-radio.scss
    |           |-- _dropdown-extend.scss
    |           |-- _dropdown.scss
    |           |-- _example-pages.scss
    |           |-- _footers.scss
    |           |-- _images.scss
    |           |-- _info-areas.scss
    |           |-- _inputs.scss
    |           |-- _media.scss
    |           |-- _misc.scss
    |           |-- _mixins.scss
    |           |-- _modals-extend.scss
    |           |-- _modals.scss
    |           |-- _navbar-extend.scss
    |           |-- _navbar.scss
    |           |-- _nucleo-outline.scss
    |           |-- _pagination.scss
    |           |-- _pills-extend.scss
    |           |-- _pills.scss
    |           |-- _popups.scss
    |           |-- _progress.scss
    |           |-- _responsive.scss
    |           |-- _sections-extend.scss
    |           |-- _sections.scss
    |           |-- _social-buttons.scss
    |           |-- _tables.scss
    |           |-- _tabs.scss
    |           |-- _typography.scss
    |           |-- _variables.scss
    |           |-- cards
    |           |   |-- _card-background.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-blog.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-contact.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-extend.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-fashion.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-form-horizontal.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-no-shadow.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-plain.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-pricing.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-product.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-profile.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-raised.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-signup.scss
    |           |   |-- _card-testimonials.scss
    |           |-- element-ui-plugins
    |           |   |-- _carousel.scss
    |           |   |-- _date_picker.scss
    |           |   |-- _input.scss
    |           |   |-- _select.scss
    |           |   |-- _tables.scss
    |           |   |-- _tags.scss
    |           |   |-- _tooltip.scss
    |           |-- mixins
    |           |   |-- _badges.scss
    |           |   |-- _buttons.scss
    |           |   |-- _cards.scss
    |           |   |-- _datepicker.scss
    |           |   |-- _dropdown.scss
    |           |   |-- _inputs.scss
    |           |   |-- _modals.scss
    |           |   |-- _navbar.scss
    |           |   |-- _pages.scss
    |           |   |-- _popovers.scss
    |           |   |-- _social-buttons.scss
    |           |   |-- _tags.scss
    |           |   |-- _transparency.scss
    |           |   |-- _vendor-prefixes.scss
    |           |-- plugins
    |           |   |-- _plugin-bootstrap-select.scss
    |           |   |-- _plugin-bootstrap-switch.scss
    |           |   |-- _plugin-datepicker.scss
    |           |   |-- _plugin-datetimepicker.scss
    |           |   |-- _plugin-fileupload.scss
    |           |   |-- _plugin-isometricGrids.scss
    |           |   |-- _plugin-nouislider.scss
    |           |   |-- _plugin-perfect-scrollbar.scss
    |           |   |-- _plugin-tagsinput.scss
    |           |-- sections
    |               |-- _blogs.scss
    |               |-- _contactus.scss
    |               |-- _features.scss
    |               |-- _headers.scss
    |               |-- _pricing.scss
    |               |-- _projects.scss
    |               |-- _social-subscribe-lines.scss
    |               |-- _team.scss
    |               |-- _testimonials.scss
    |-- components
    |   |-- Alert.vue
    |   |-- Badge.vue
    |   |-- Button.vue
    |   |-- Dropdown.vue
    |   |-- InfoSection.vue
    |   |-- Logo.vue
    |   |-- Modal.vue
    |   |-- Pagination.vue
    |   |-- Progress.vue
    |   |--
    |   |-- Slider.vue
    |   |-- Switch.vue
    |   |-- Table.vue
    |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- Cards
    |   |   |-- Card.vue
    |   |   |-- StatsCard.vue
    |   |-- Collapse
    |   |   |-- Collapse.vue
    |   |   |-- CollapseItem.vue
    |   |-- Comments
    |   |   |-- Comment.vue
    |   |-- Inputs
    |   |   |-- Checkbox.vue
    |   |   |-- IconCheckbox.vue
    |   |   |-- Radio.vue
    |   |   |-- formGroupInput.vue
    |   |-- Navbar
    |   |   |-- NavLink.vue
    |   |   |-- Navbar.vue
    |   |   |-- NavbarToggleButton.vue
    |   |-- NotificationPlugin
    |   |   |-- Notification.vue
    |   |   |-- Notifications.vue
    |   |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- Tabs
    |   |   |-- Tab.vue
    |   |   |-- Tabs.vue
    |   |-- layout
    |       |-- MainFooter.vue
    |       |-- MainNavbar.vue
    |       |-- StarterFooter.vue
    |       |-- StarterNavbar.vue
    |-- constants
    |   |-- index.js
    |-- directives
    |   |-- click-ouside.js
    |-- layouts
    |   |--
    |   |-- default-no-footer.vue
    |   |-- default.vue
    |   |-- gray-footer.vue
    |   |-- white-nav.vue
    |-- middleware
    |   |--
    |-- pages
    |   |--
    |   |-- about.vue
    |   |-- blog-post.vue
    |   |-- blog-posts.vue
    |   |-- components.vue
    |   |-- contact.vue
    |   |-- ecommerce.vue
    |   |-- index.vue
    |   |-- landing.vue
    |   |-- login.vue
    |   |-- pricing.vue
    |   |-- product.vue
    |   |-- profile.vue
    |   |-- sections.vue
    |   |-- signup.vue
    |   |-- components
    |   |   |-- BasicElementsSection.vue
    |   |   |-- Cards.vue
    |   |   |-- CarouselSection.vue
    |   |   |-- Footers.vue
    |   |   |-- ImagesSection.vue
    |   |   |-- JavascriptComponents.vue
    |   |   |-- Navigation.vue
    |   |   |-- Notifications.vue
    |   |   |-- NucleoIconsSection.vue
    |   |   |-- Pills.vue
    |   |   |-- PreFooters.vue
    |   |   |-- ProgressPagination.vue
    |   |   |-- Tabs.vue
    |   |   |-- TypographyTables.vue
    |   |   |-- Cards
    |   |   |   |-- BlogCards.vue
    |   |   |   |-- FullbackgroundCards.vue
    |   |   |   |-- PlainCards.vue
    |   |   |   |-- PricingCards.vue
    |   |   |   |-- ProfileCards.vue
    |   |   |-- TypographyTables
    |   |       |-- ShoppingTable.vue
    |   |-- sections
    |   |   |-- Blogs.vue
    |   |   |-- Contact.vue
    |   |   |-- Features.vue
    |   |   |-- Headers.vue
    |   |   |-- Pricing.vue
    |   |   |-- Projects.vue
    |   |   |-- Teams.vue
    |   |   |-- Testimonials.vue
    |   |-- starter
    |       |-- StarterPage.vue
    |-- plugins
    |   |--
    |   |-- element-ui.js
    |   |-- globalComponents.js
    |   |-- globalDirectives.js
    |   |-- globalMixins.js
    |   |-- now-ui-kit.js
    |-- static
    |   |--
    |   |-- favicon.ico
    |   |-- icon.png
    |   |-- sw.js
    |   |-- img
    |-- store

Browser Support

At present, we officially aim to support the last two versions of the following browsers:



HTML Angular Vue React
Now UI Dashboard PRO HTML Now UI Dashboard PRO Angular Vue Now UI Dashboard PRO  Now UI Dashboard React

Reporting Issues

We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO. Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue:

  1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the Nuxt Now UI Kit PRO. Check the CHANGELOG from your dashboard on our website.
  2. Providing us reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed.
  3. Some issues may be browser specific, so specifying in what browser you encountered the issue might help.

Technical Support or Questions

If you have questions or need help integrating the product please contact us instead of opening an issue.


Useful Links

Social Media






Nuxt version of Now UI Kit Pro