creationix / weblit

A web framework for luvit 2.0 and lit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A web framework for luvit 2.0 and lit

Weblit is a collection of lit packages that together form a nice web framework.


This is the core of the framework. It's export value is the app itself. The config functions can be chained off this config for super terse syntax.


    host = "",
    port = 8080


    method = "GET",
    path = "/do/:user/:action",
    domain = "*"
  }, function (req, res, go)
    -- Handle route



Use this to configure your server. You can bind to multiple addresses and ports. For example, the same server can listen on port 8080 using normal HTTP while also listening on port 8443 using HTTPS.

-- Listen on port 8080 internally using plain HTTP.
  host = "",
  port = 8080

-- Also listen on port 8443 externally using encrypted HTTPS.
  host = "",
  port = 8443,
  tls = {
    cert = module:load("cert.pem"),
    key = module:load("key.pem"),

The host option defaults to "". The default port depends on if you're running as root and if the connection is TLS encrypted.

Root User
HTTP 80 8080
HTTPS 442 8443


This adds a raw middleware to the chain. It's signature is:

.use(function (req, res, go)
  -- Log the request table
  p("request", req)
  -- Hand off to the next layer.
  return go()

The req table will contain information about the HTTP request. This includes several fields:

  • socket - The raw libuv uv_tty_t socket.
  • method - The HTTP request method verb like GET or POST.
  • path - The raw HTTP request path (including query string).
  • headers - A list of headers. Each header is a table with two entries for key and value. For convenience, there are special __index and __newindex metamethods that let you treat this like a case insensitive key/value store.
  • version - The HTTP version (Usually either 1.0 or 1.1).
  • keepAlive - A flag telling you if this should be a keepalive connection.
  • body - The request body as a string. In the future, this may also be a stream.

The res table also has some conventions used to form the response a piece at a time. Initially it contains:

  • code - The response status code. Initially contains 404.
  • headers - Another special headers table like in req.
  • body - The response body to send. Initially contains "Not Found\n".

The go function is to be called if you wish to not handle a request. This allows other middleware layers to get a chance to respond to the request. Use a tail call if there is nothing more to do.

Otherwise do further processing after go returns. At this point, all inner layers have finished and a response is ready in res.

route(options, middleware)

Route is like use, but allows you to pre-filter the requests before the middleware is called.

  method = "PUT",
  path = "/upload/:username"
}, function (req, res, go)
  local url = saveFile(req.params.username, req.body)
  res.code = 201
  res.headers.Location = url

The route options accept several parameters:

  • method - This is a simple filter on a specific HTTP method verb.
  • path - This is either an exact match or can contain patterns. Segments looking like :name will match single path segments while :name: will match multiple segments. The matches will go into req.params. Also any query string will be stripped off, parsed out, and stored in req.query.
  • host - Will filter against the Host header. This can be an exact match or a glob match like *
  • filter - Filter is a custom lua function that accepts req and returns true or false.

If the request matches all the requirements, then the middleware is called the same as with use.


Bind to the port(s), listen on the socket(s) and start accepting connections.


This is a simple middleware that logs the request method, url and user agent. It also includes the response status code.

Make sure to use it at the top of your middleware chain so that it's able to see the final response code sent to the client.



This implements lots of conventions and useful defaults that help your app implement a proper HTTP server.

You should always use this near the top of the list. The only middleware that goes before this is the logger.



This caches responses in memory keyed by etag. If there is no etag, but there is a response body, it will use the body to generate an etag.

Put this in your list after auto-headers, but before custom server logic.



This middleware serves static files to the user. Use this to serve your client- side web assets.

Usage is pretty simplistic for now.

local static = require('weblit-static')

If you want to only match a sub-path, use the router.

  path = "/blog/:path:"
}, static(pathJoin(module.dir, "articles")))

The path param will be used if it exists and the full path will be used otherwise.


This implements a websocket upgrade handler. You can choose the subprotocol and other routing information.

  path = "/v2/socket", -- Prefix for matching
  protocol = "virgo/2.0", -- Restrict to a websocket sub-protocol
}, function (req, read, write)
  -- Log the request headers
  -- Log and echo all messages
  for message in read do
  -- End the stream


This is the metapackage that simply includes the other modules.

It exposes the other modules as a single exports table.

return {
  app = require('weblit-app'),
  autoHeaders = require('weblit-auto-headers'),
  etagCache = require('weblit-etag-cache'),
  logger = require('weblit-logger'),
  static = require('weblit-static'),
  websocket = require('weblit-websocket'),


A web framework for luvit 2.0 and lit

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%