creaked / advanced_building_blocks

Odin Project: Advanced Building Blocks in Ruby

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Project 1: Bubble Sort

Sorting algorithms are some of the earliest that you typically get exposed to in Computer Science. It may not be immediately obvious how important they are, but it shouldn't be hard to think of some examples where your computer needs to sort some massive datasets during everyday operations.

One of the simpler (but more processor-intensive) ways of sorting a group of items in an array is bubble sort, where each element is compared to the one next to it and they are swapped if the one on the left is larger than the one on the right. This continues until the array is eventually sorted.

Check out this video from Harvard's CS50x on Bubble Sort.

There's also an entry on Bubble Sort on Wikipedia that's worth taking a look at.

Bubble Sort

Your Task

  1. Build a method #bubble_sort that takes an array and returns a sorted array. It must use the bubble sort methodology (using #sort would be pretty pointless, wouldn't it?).

        > bubble_sort([4,3,78,2,0,2])
        => [0,2,2,3,4,78]
  2. Now create a similar method called #bubble_sort_by which sorts an array but accepts a block. The block should take two arguments which represent the two elements currently being compared. Expect that the block's return will be similar to the spaceship operator you learned about before -- if the result of the block is negative, the element on the left is "smaller" than the element on the right. 0 means they are equal. A positive result means the left element is greater. Use this to sort your array.

        > bubble_sort_by(["hi","hello","hey"]) do |left,right|
        >   left.length - right.length
        > end
        => ["hi", "hey", "hello"]

Project 2: Enumerable Methods

You learned about the Enumerable module that gets mixed in to the Array and Hash classes (among others) and provides you with lots of handy iterator methods. To prove that there's no magic to it, you're going to rebuild those methods.

Your Task

  1. Create a script file to house your methods and run it in IRB to test them later.

  2. Add your new methods onto the existing Enumerable module. Ruby makes this easy for you because any class or module can be added to without trouble ... just do something like:

        module Enumerable
          def my_each
            # your code here
  3. Create #my_each, a method that is identical to #each but (obviously) does not use #each. You'll need to remember the yield statement. Make sure it returns the same thing as #each as well.

  4. Create #my_each_with_index in the same way.

  5. Create #my_select in the same way, though you may use #my_each in your definition (but not #each).

  6. Create #my_all? (continue as above)

  7. Create #my_any?

  8. Create #my_none?

  9. Create #my_count

  10. Create #my_map

  11. Create #my_inject

  12. Test your #my_inject by creating a method called #multiply_els which multiplies all the elements of the array together by using #my_inject, e.g. multiply_els([2,4,5]) #=> 40

  13. Modify your #my_map method to take a proc instead.

  14. Modify your #my_map method to take either a proc or a block. It won't be necessary to apply both a proc and a block in the same #my_map call since you could get the same effect by chaining together one #my_map call with the block and one with the proc. This approach is also clearer, since the user doesn't have to remember whether the proc or block will be run first. So if both a proc and a block are given, only execute the proc.


Odin Project: Advanced Building Blocks in Ruby


Language:Ruby 100.0%