crcn / node-auth

user authentication library for node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • share items with multiple users
  • creating account tokens with access to specific collections & items
    • used for locking down public access to certain features.
    • ability to add expiration for tokens
var mongoose = require("mongoose"),
step         = require("step"),
Schema       = mongoose.Schema,
ObjectId     = Schema.Types.ObjectId;

var auth = require("auth").connect({
	connection: mongoose.createConnection("mongodb://localhost/auth-test")

var Post = new Schema({
	message: String
//make the post ownable

	function() {
		auth.signup({ email: "", password: "password" }, this);
	function(err, account) {
		this.account = account;
		var post = new Post({
			message: "Hello World!"

		//make the account OWN the post
	function() {
		Post.find(this.account.ownQuery(), this);
	function(err, post) {
		console.log(post.message); //Hello World!

auth API

auth auth.connect(options)

  • options connection - mongodb connection

auth.Account.signup(account, onCreated)

creates a new user

auth.Account.login(credentals, onLogin)

Logs the user in with u/p, or a token


auth.Account.login({ token: tokenKey }, onLogin);
auth.Account.login({ email: "email", password: "password" }, onLogin);

Account API


returns the main access token with super privileges. No restrictions to collections & items.

user.getMainToken(function(null, token) {
	console.log(token.key); //key used to login
	console.log(token.ttl); // -1 = no expiration date.
	console.log(token.scope); //[ { collectionName: null, item: null, access: ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "SUPER"]}]

account.createToken(options, callback)

  • options - options for the token
    • item - the item to grant access to (optional)
    • collectionName - the collection
    • ttl - time in MS for expiration
    • access - (array) scope access. default is access.all()
//only give access to the posts collection, and only allow reading items
user.createToken({ item:, access: [access.POST] }, function(err, token) {
	console.log(token.scope); //[ { collectionName: "posts", item: null, access: ["GET"]}]


makes the account an owner of an item with SUPER privileges on item

var p = new Post({ message: "hello!" });

account.shareItem(item, access)

Shares an item with another user

  • item - item to own
  • access - access level for the given item. Blank = ALL privileges.
var access = require("auth").access;
Post.findOne({message:"hello!"}, function(err, post) {
	user2.shareItem(post, [access.GET]); //ability to only see item;

account.authorized(item, access)

returns TRUE if the account has access to the item. Note that the result can be variable depending if whether the given user logs in with a restricted login token. See below.

user2.authorized(post); //TRUE
user2.authorized(post, [access.POST]); //FALSE
user2.authorized(post, [access.GET]); //TRUE
user2.authorized(post, [access.GET, access.POST]); //TRUE

//login with the post owner, but restrict access with the created
//token above.
User.login({ token: aboveTokenKey }, function(err, user) {
	user.authorized(post, [access.TRUE]); //FALSE
	user.authorized(post, [access.POST]); //FALSE

Error account.unauthorized(callback)

Tiny flow-control utility.


adds account to the given search. For example:

Post.findOne(user.addToSearch(), function(err, post) {
	user.authorized(post); //TRUE


- make sub-schemas ownable
- sharing whole collections (job & timer)
- custom authentication schema
- validation of credentials (email/pass)
- Auth.lockdown - prevent models from being saved or serialized if unauthorized
- hooks with [passport](


user authentication library for node.js


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