crazyhalls / InnerSourcePatterns

Proven approaches that can guide you through applying open source best practices within your organization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repository serves as the collection-point, ideation hub, and process behind the InnerSource Commons' set of proven and reviewed InnerSource approaches (patterns). These patterns illustrate beneficial activities and behaviors found in organizations who apply InnerSource methodologies.

What are Inner Source Patterns?

Patterns are a way of describing a repeatable, proven solution to a problem with a context. They follow a simple form that helps people wanting to implement the solution to understand the constraints on the problem, the forces that must be balanced and the resulting context (the situation you are left with after the solution is applied). In inner sourcing, patterns can provide a way for the InnerSource Commons participants to concisely share information with each other, improving the practice of inner sourcing. Each of the patterns are divided into Title, Problem Statement, Context, Forces, and Solutions as their main sections.

How can you use Inner Source Patterns?

Patterns must be used in a thoughtful manner. They cannot be blindly applied. In most cases, you will need to adapt the given solution to your own situation; but the information given in the pattern, defining the context (immovable constraints) and forces (constraints that can be changed and balanced against each other), should help you do this.

The pattern form is useful for describing proven patterns but it could also be used for brainstorming solutions where patterns are not yet established, since the form gives a structured way for thinking about a problem. You could also create a donut pattern (filling in the problem, context, forces and resulting context fields but leaving the solution blank) as a way of asking the InnerSource Commons community for help (to find a proven solution or to brainstorm things to try).

How to Contribute?

See our for details on getting involved

We encourage beginners seeking answers to jump in by creating ''donuts'' (problems without solutions). We encourage experts to pad their experience - these are hoped to become part of a book one day. Anyone can offer reviews and comments for in-progress patterns.

We work together via Github, Webex, Slack, etc. Do not hesitate to join the #innersourcecommons or #innersource-patterns slack channels and ask to be included in the patterns meetings (there is an email list).

Reviewed Patterns (proven and reviewed)

Pattern Drafts (proven, not yet reviewed)

Pattern Ideas (not yet proven; brainstormed)

Pattern Donuts (needing a solution)

Pattern Meta Info


Creative Commons License

InnerSourcePatterns by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Proven approaches that can guide you through applying open source best practices within your organization

License:Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International