cravesoft / ttsbot

An IRC bot that converts logs into speech and broadcast them as an audio stream

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Important Note: This bot is based on undisclosed proprietary software.


This IRC bot converts logs into speech and broadcast them as an audio stream.

Available commands

  • !tts help:
    • display the list of available commands
  • !tts [ en-US | ar-XA | cs-CZ | da-DK | de-DE | en-AU | en-GB | es-ES | es-M X |fr-CA | fr-FR | it-IT | ja-JP | ko-KR | nl-NL | pl-PL | pt-BR | pt-PT | ru-RU | sv-SE | tr-TR | zh-CN ]:
    • set the language for the IRC user who issued the command
  • !tts pitch [50-200]:
    • set the pitch of speech for the IRC user who issued the command
  • !tts speed [20-200]:
    • set the speed of speech for the IRC user who issued the command
  • !tts volume [0-100]:
    • set the volume of speech for the IRC user who issued the command


Get the source

Clone the git repository:

git clone

Install dependencies

For Ubuntu, simply enter the following command that will install all necessary packages:

sudo apt-get install liquidsoap icecast2 sox 

The server runs on nodejs and requires the following npm libraries:

  • irc
  • request

All of them can be installed via npm install -d (this will install a local copy of all the dependencies in the node_modules directory)


Rename the server/config-sample.json file to ./server/config.json

Open ./server/config.json in a text editor and fill in your server information.

In a TLS/SSL infrastructure, each client and each server must have a private key. A private key is created like this

openssl genrsa -out ryans-key.pem 1024

All servers and some clients need to have a certificate. Certificates are public keys signed by a Certificate Authority or self-signed. The first step to getting a certificate is to create a "Certificate Signing Request" (CSR) file. This is done with:

openssl req -new -key ryans-key.pem -out ryans-csr.pem

To create a self-signed certificate with the CSR, do this:

openssl x509 -req -in ryans-csr.pem -signkey ryans-key.pem -out ryans-cert.pem

Alternatively you can send the CSR to a Certificate Authority for signing.


Then run liquidsoap ls_script.liq in order to start the stream generator and node server/js/ttsbot.js in order to start the server.


An IRC bot that converts logs into speech and broadcast them as an audio stream


Language:JavaScript 100.0%