crates / simplecoder

Encode values using human-friendly dictionaries.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


simplecoder allows you to encode data using human-friendly dictionaries.

Think of it like base64, but instead of characters, you can use dictionaries comprised of simple words (the default dictionary is a curated set of some of the most common, easily distinguishable 4-letter words in English).

If you are capable of producing additional dictionaries, especially in other languages, please consider submitting a pull request, it would gladly be accepted.


You could encode a UUID using the default 4-letter word English dictionary:


such mean pull wood
ever work flow like
rule trip wave that
free year rest main

Now, that's obviously longer than the UUID in string form, but imagine one of your customers trying to read you the UUID string over the phone, whereas this word-based encoding would be fairly easy.

Even a SHA256 isn't terrible:


down tone band tall miss boat able ship
case cook suit ever page rule just salt
deal post cost talk town page seed hand
pick ship long town card lift like pair

The encoded version of the SHA256 might actually be easily verified by a human, whereas comparing two strings of base64 is much more error-prone.

You could use the emoji dictionary to encode, say a SHA256 of the latest LTS node.js release:



That's a little more fun than:



npm install simplecoder


const uuid = require( 'uuid' );
const simplecoder = require( 'simplecoder' );

// create a uuid in a buffer (avoid encoding as hex and doubling size)
const my_uuid = uuid.v4( null, Buffer.alloc( 16 ) );
const encoded = simplecoder.encode( guid );

// ->
// [ 'such', 'mean', 'pull', 'wood',
//   'ever', 'work', 'flow', 'like',
//   'rule', 'trip', 'wave', 'that',
//   'free', 'year', 'rest', 'main' ]

const decoded = simplecoder.decode( encoded );

// ->
// <Buffer c2 7c 98 fa 32 fc 40 6e a7 dd eb ce 44 fe 9e 77>

decoded.toString( 'hex' );

// ->
// 'c27c98fa32fc406ea7ddebce44fe9e77'


  • encode( buffer | array | string[, dictionary ] ) : array

Takes the given buffer, array or string and returns an encoded array from the given dictionary. If no dictionary is specified, simplecoder will use the default simple 4-letter word English dictionary.


simplecoder.encode( uuid.v4( null, Buffer.alloc( 16 ) ), 'en' );

// ->
// [ 'such', 'mean', 'pull', 'wood',
//   'ever', 'work', 'flow', 'like',
//   'rule', 'trip', 'wave', 'that',
//   'free', 'year', 'rest', 'main' ]

// Using webpack and want to ensure a certain dictionary is there? Require it
// directly so webpack will know to include it:

    en: require( 'simplecoder/dictionaries/en.js' ),
    es: require( 'simplecoder/dictionaries/es.js' )
  • decode( array[, dictionary ] ) : buffer

Take an array of simplecoder-encoded values and an optional dictionary and produce an output buffer. If the dictionary is not specified, the default simple 4-letter word English dictionary will be assumed.


simplecoder.decode( [
    'such', 'mean', 'pull', 'wood',
    'ever', 'work', 'flow', 'like',
    'rule', 'trip', 'wave', 'that',
    'free', 'year', 'rest', 'main'
], 'en' );

// ->
// <Buffer c2 7c 98 fa 32 fc 40 6e a7 dd eb ce 44 fe 9e 77>

Supported Dictionaries

  • emoji
  • en
  • es


Pull requests are very welcome! Just make sure your code:

  1. Has no eslint warnings or errors
  2. Is beautified using jsbeautifier and the included .jsbeautifyrc
  3. Has tests and all tests pass


I was looking for a way to produce human-readable hashes and ids that could be more easily shared and verified via things like phone calls.



  • Dynamic importing of dictionaries (can help with code size on the browser side)
  • Change encode/decode to take a dictionary name (eg: 'en') vs. a dictionary object
  • Add Spanish dictionary
  • Improve eslint configuration


  • Convert CLI to support a REPL
  • Require Node v8+
  • Switch to eslint from jshint


  • First stable release


  • Update repo URLs


  • Improved documentation


  • Rename to 'simplecoder'
  • Improve code + testing


  • Multiple dictionary support (emojis!)


  • Prototyping


Encode values using human-friendly dictionaries.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%