crapthings / meteor-multiple-accounts-sandbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



cd mantra-sample-blog-app
meteor npm i
cd mantra-sample-blog-app-2
meteor npm i
meteor --port 3100


  • 采用 mantra 架构

修改核心 package 前

  • 支持多账号同时登陆不同服务器,由于 localStorage 限制同一服务器不能登陆多个账号,后登陆的会覆盖前一个 localStorage 存储结构

修改核心 package 后

  • 支持多账号同时登陆同一个服务器或不同服务器

通过修改 localstorage 和 accounts-base 加入 namespace 概念 引用1 引用2


  • 为方便证明作用,这里我们简单通过写死的代码构件预设账号信息,这里应该是通过界面交互才存到 localStorage 引用

  • 我们通过控制一个 active 值来定位当前 view 应该采用哪些配套 ddp 连接以及方法 引用

  • 我们为每个需要连接的账号创建一个方便操作以及调用的“集合”,里边包括 collection 以及 ddp 连接等 引用

  • 通过 context 可以方便在后续的容器以及组件拿到“集合”的内容 引用

  • 通过简单定制核心的登录函数来控制每个账号的登录过程,在这里我们可以控制如果他登录失败,界面可以得到反馈 引用

  • 展示一个如何完全切换到一个服务器 引用1 引用2 引用3~刷新页面时也知道最后连接状态 引用4~从“集合”里选择目标服务器的链接和数据库表实例

  • 调用方法的例子 引用

  • 调阅订阅的例子 引用

  • 通过 namespace 每个用户都可以有自定的 localstorage 空间 引用

  • 决定用户 localstorage 的 namespace 引用


cd bindctx
meteor npm i
cd mantra-sample-blog-app-2
meteor npm i
meteor --port 3100


  • 采用 mantra 架构

修改核心 mantra-core 后



route and action 还是没有 ctx

我尝试把 mantra-core 改成 mutable,但是 react-di 是 immutable,我们应用在 useDeps 时候也是 immutable 要改的地方还不少,而且这样可能在 函数的参数里有 数组和 array 时候,会不会因为使用问题导致 bug

mutate 例子

const context0 = {
  status: true,
  text: 'default context 0',

const context1 = {
  status: true,
  text: 'default context 1',

const actions = {
  changeStatus0(context0) {
    console.log('before changeStatus0', context0)
    context0.status = false
    context0.text = 'python text changed'
    console.log('after changeStatus0', context0)
    return context0

  changeStatus1({ ...context1 }) {
    console.log('before changeStatus1', context1)
    context1.status = false
    context1.text = 'javascript text changed'
    console.log('after changeStatus1', context1)
    return context1

actions.changeStatus0 = actions.changeStatus0.bind(null, context0)
actions.changeStatus1 = actions.changeStatus1.bind(null, context1)

console.log('changeStatus0 after all', context0, actions.changeStatus0())
console.log('changeStatus1 after all', context1, actions.changeStatus1())
before changeStatus0 { status: true, text: 'default context 0' }
after changeStatus0 { status: false, text: 'python text changed' }
changeStatus0 after all { status: false, text: 'python text changed' } { status: false, text: 'python text changed' }
before changeStatus1 { status: true, text: 'default context 1' }
after changeStatus1 { status: false, text: 'javascript text changed' }
changeStatus1 after all { status: true, text: 'default context 1' } { status: false, text: 'javascript text changed' }

bind issue

"The bind() function creates a new function (a bound function) with the same function body (internal call property in ECMAScript 5 terms) as the function it is being called on (the bound function's target function) with the this value bound to the first argument of bind(), which cannot be overridden."

let context1 = {
  username: 'zhang hong',
  status: true,

let context2 = {
  username: 'kim jong un',
  status: false,

const actions = {
  changeStatus(context) {
    console.log('before changeStatus', context)
    context.status = false
    console.log('after changeStatus', context)
    return context

actions.changeStatus = actions.changeStatus.bind(null, context1)
console.log('changeStatus after all', context1, actions.changeStatus(), '\n')
context1 = context2
actions.changeStatus = actions.changeStatus.bind(null, context2)
console.log('changeStatus after all', context1, actions.changeStatus())
before changeStatus { username: 'zhang hong', status: true }
after changeStatus { username: 'zhang hong', status: false }
changeStatus after all { username: 'zhang hong', status: false } { username: 'zhang hong', status: false }

before changeStatus { username: 'zhang hong', status: false }
after changeStatus { username: 'zhang hong', status: false }
changeStatus after all { username: 'kim jong un', status: false } { username: 'zhang hong', status: false }

redeclare before bind

let context1 = {
  username: 'zhang hong',
  status: true,

let context2 = {
  username: 'kim jong un',
  status: false,

const actions = {
  changeStatus(context) {
    console.log('before changeStatus', context)
    context.status = false
    console.log('after changeStatus', context)
    return context

actions.changeStatus = actions.changeStatus.bind(null, context1)
console.log('changeStatus after all', context1, actions.changeStatus(), '\n')

context1 = context2

// save all fns into a place that we can redeclare before bind
actions.changeStatus = function (context) {
  console.log('before changeStatus', context)
  context.status = true
  console.log('after changeStatus', context)
  return context

actions.changeStatus = actions.changeStatus.bind(null, context2)
console.log('changeStatus after all', context1, actions.changeStatus())
before changeStatus { username: 'zhang hong', status: true }
after changeStatus { username: 'zhang hong', status: false }
changeStatus after all { username: 'zhang hong', status: false } { username: 'zhang hong', status: false }

before changeStatus { username: 'kim jong un', status: false }
after changeStatus { username: 'kim jong un', status: true }
changeStatus after all { username: 'kim jong un', status: true } { username: 'kim jong un', status: true }



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