crapougnax / mq-client-akeneo

A Message Queue bundle for the Akeneo PIM

Repository from Github https://github.comcrapougnax/mq-client-akeneoRepository from Github https://github.comcrapougnax/mq-client-akeneo

MQ Client for Akeneo

A Message Queue bundle for the Akeneo PIM


This simple bundle allow to push a message in a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic each time a product is modified.

Use case

Combined with other services and orchestrated by and ESB, this allows to asynchronously process changes (BLOB for examples) and push them back to the PIM or to any other application (catalog, etc)

We use this in a BIM environment to parse ArchiCAD 3D .gsm model files and inject the PIM data to generate up to date versions of 3D furniture libraries.


From your PIM project root folder, clone the repository:

git clone src/Bimbus

Then add the needed dependencies:

composer require google/cloud-pubsub

Edit the app/AppKernel.php file to reflect this:

    protected function registerProjectBundles()
        return [
          new Bimbus\Bundle\MQBundle\BimbusMQBundle(),

Empty your cache:

bin/console cache:clear --env=prod

Google Cloud Pub/Sub

Select or create the project. If this is a creation, activate the Pub/sub API.

Create a service account

  • Select the IAM & admin > Service accounts menu item then click on CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT.
  • Type in a name for the new service account (eg. akeneo-mq) and check the Furnish a new private key checkbox.
  • Click on "CREATE", the JSON credentials file should be downloaded automatically.
  • Rename the downloaded file to gcp-credentials.json and put it in the src/Bimbus/config folder.

Create a topic

  • Go to the Pub/Sub > Topics menu and then click on CREATE TOPIC.
  • On the next screen, select the newly created topic.
  • Then, type in the name of the new service account your just created and give it the "Pub/Sub Publisher" Role.

Create a subscription

  • Return to the Pub/Sub > Topics menu.
  • Click the button at the end of the created topic line and select New subscription.
  • Enter a name and click on create.

Bundle configuration

  • Move into the src/Bimbus/Bundle/MQBundle/Resources/config/ folder.
  • Copy the parameters.yml.dist to parameters.yml.
  • Edit the parameters.yml file to fill in the gcp.pubsub.project and gcp.pubsub.topic keys:
    gcp.pubsub.project: '<<gcp-project-id>>'
    gcp.pubsub.topic: '<<last-part-of-topic>>'
    gcp.pubsub.credentials: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Bimbus/config/gcp-credentials.json'

Test everything

  • Open the Akeneo UI and edit a product to check that saving works fine.
  • Use the gcloud CLI to check that the message as been pushed to the topic:
gcloud config set project <<gcp-project-id>>
gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull <<subscription-name>>


A Message Queue bundle for the Akeneo PIM

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:PHP 100.0%