craigteegarden / ember-drf

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This project aims to create a python package that makes it simple to build an API that is compatible with Ember Data out of the box. While initially the user will still be required to configure their urls and serializers in a certain way for them to work properly, the goal is to make this as pluggable as possible.


There are currently two parts to the project:

  1. Serializer
  2. Renderer These components should be sufficient to match all of Ember Data's specifications other than it's url scheme which the user must currently configure manually in their file. We will look at ways to take care of this as well soon.


ember_drf uses Serializers to make structural modifications to the default DRF responses (as opposed to purely aesthetic modifications that are handled by renderers). The primary structural difference between Ember Data and out of the box DRF are as follows:

  1. Responses from the api are nested under a root key.

  2. Related records can be sideloaded under other root keys.

ember_drf supports the above structural changes by providing the SideloadSerializer base class. This must be used in conjunction with one or more typical ModelSerializers. Despite the name, SideloadSerializer may be used without any sideloading options in order to simply nest the api response under a root key.

Serializer Example

Give these models:

class Basket(models.Model):
    text = models.CharField(max_length=200, default='Fruit Basket')

class Fruit(models.Model):
    basket = models.ForeignKey(Basket)
    previous_basket = models.ForeignKey(Basket, related_name='former_fruits')

And these serializers:

class BasketSerializer(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        model = Basket

class Fruit(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        model = Fruit

You can create a fruit serializer that sideloads baskets in the correct format for Ember Data as follows:

class FruitSideloadSerializer(SideloadSerializer):
    class Meta:
        sideload_fields = ['basket', 'previous_basket']
        base_serializer = FruitSerializer
        sideloads = [
            (Basket, BasketSerializer)

This will produce output in the following format:

    fruits: [
        {id: 1, basket: 1, previous_basket: 2},
        {id: 2, basket: 2, previous_basket: 1},
        {id: 3, basket: 1, previous_basket: 1},
    baskets: [
        {id: 1, title: 'Fruit Basket'},
        {id: 2, title: 'Fruit Basket'},

Note that the serializer does not convert the underscored attributes to camel case. That functionality is decoupled and put in the EmberJSONRenderer.


This project uses renderers to make changes that are purely aesthetic (as opposed to structural). There are two renders:

  1. EmberJSONRenderer: For use with Ember Data's built in JSONSerializer.

  2. Active ModelJSONRenderer: For use with Ember Data's built in ActiveModelSerializer.

Details on how to use renders can be found here


DRF 3.0 Installation

Until DRF 3.0 is released it will need to be installed using the following command:

 pip install
