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Craftgate Is Hiring

We always search for good talents for Craftgate. We believe that talents open their positions in a company. Therefore regardless of time and conditions, if you want to join the team of crafters, do not hesitate and send your CV to

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What is Craftgate?

Craftgate is a payment hub on top of banks and other payment facilitators, allowing companies process payments with lower costs and easy integration. Craftgate gives companies one-stop-shop payment services as a B2B SaaS product without interfering with the relationship between you and the bank.

We believe in the developer-first strategy. With Craftgate's developer-friendly API, companies integrate easily with well-documented endpoints. Here are some videos you should take a look at to learn about how people can test and experience Craftgate, how companies integrate with the APIs.

The Way We Work

We don't have seniority levels (like junior, mid-level, senior, etc.) in titles at Craftgate. We are all crafters. We love our profession and we believe that we are on a journey of craftsmanship.

We don't have any team leader position at Craftgate. Every crafter is a natural-born leader and leads the team unintentionally regardless of work experience in years.

We are active practitioners of pair/mob programming. Therefore all crafters are expected to be skilled at collaboration and teamwork.

Here are some videos you should take a look to learn more about us. All videos are in Turkish, btw.

Remote Work, Forever

We've been working remotely since March 2020. We love remote working and we plan to continue in that style forever. Crafters do not all live at Istanbul. We have teammates living at İstanbul, Ankara, Denizli, İzmir, Diyarbakır and Antalya already.

We have a well-designed, peaceful office at Nidakule, Göztepe, İstanbul. However, it is just open for crafters to use whenever they get bored from working from home.

Expectations From A Crafter

No matter of age, or work experience in years, or previous job title, expectations are all the same from all crafters.

  • Disciplined, motivated and passionate
  • Develop and designing relevant code on project needs
  • Feels comfortable when working in pairs
  • Collaborates with the team to make technical tasks done
  • Has an agile mindset
  • Has a mindset of high quality, simplicity, and well-craftedness
  • Has good soft and communication skills
  • Startup experience (would be great to have)
  • A good reader, experimenter, and hungry to learn and share
  • Open-minded, honest, has intense care for ethics

Key Technologies, Architecture, and Practices Used

We are experts in the following technologies, architecture, and practices. We have devops culture, that's why we don't have separate backend or frontend teams. We have product teams having all talents inside. All collaborate closely with each other.


  • Java 17, Groovy 3, Kotlin 1.9.20 and JVM Ecosystem
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Spring Ecosystem
  • Database, JPA, and Hibernate
  • Restful Web Services
  • Microservice and Modular Architectures
  • Hexagonal Architecture, Domain Driven Design Principles
  • Concurrency and Scaling
  • Rest Standards
  • Transaction Management
  • Designing code via TDD
  • SOLID Principles and Clean Code


  • Translating UI/UX design wireframes to actual code
  • Design and Build React based scalable, fast UI components
  • Full ownership of CI/CD pipeline
  • Automated testing
  • Search engine optimization

User Experience

  • Working on great challenges of payment related flows and UX needs
  • Bechmarking, prototyping, data centric behavior analysis
  • User experience design

Cloud, Platform & Infrastructure

  • AWS, Kubernetes, Docker
  • AWS RDS, MSK, EKS, EC2, Cloudfront, Route 53, OpenSearch
  • Infrastructure running on Local Datacenters
  • Infrastructure having almost-100% up-time
  • Designing, building, maintaining, monitoring infrastructure
  • Maintaining PCI-DSS based high security standards
  • Multi environments
  • Redis, Kafka, Mysql, Elastic Search, HSM, APM


  • Automated testing, including unit, integration, functional and contract testing
  • Consumer-driven contract testing
  • Exploratory testing
  • Close collaboration with product managers

Development Practices & Tools

  • The Craftgate Model (that is what we call our way of working)
  • Trunk based development
  • Mono repository
  • CI/CD Pipeline via Github & Github Actions
  • Remote Pair/Mob Programming
  • Code Review
  • Static Code Analysis

Technology Stack

You can check the technology stack of Craftgate from Stackshare

How Craftgate Recruits

We always seek new ways to build a more humanized, ethical, and fair recruitment process. We've evolved our recruiting strategy by gradually improving it throughout the years. We believe recruitment requires hard work both for us and the candidate and we make it a win-win for both sides. If you start your recruitment journey at Craftgate, we guarantee you will learn and improve yourself at every step.

The recruitment process has 4 main steps. Let's deep dive into details for each step.

Step 1: Technical Interview

If your submission is accepted after evaluating your CV, we organize a zoom meeting as the first step in the process. Two crafters join from the Craftgate side and discuss technical topics for one hour. The discussions mainly around the following areas and technology-stack-related topics.

During the interview, you hear what we expect from a crafter. Also, we hear what you expect to see from a company/culture that motivates you. We inform all the details about the recruitment process.

Step 2: Challenge Project

If both sides feel happy about the outcome of the first interview, we continue with the second step. At this stage, we send a challenge project to the candidate. We expect to see the challenge finalized in one week. Our aim is not to rush candidates and make them stressed in their busy schedules. Therefore, if candidates ask for extra time, we give them as they want.

When the project is submitted by the candidate, we evaluate that. If both sides feel to continue with the process, we organize a challenge review meeting via zoom.

Step 3: Challenge Review

This step aims to review the challenge project with the candidate. All software crafters join this meeting, that is around 8-9 crafters total. We ask questions to understand the reasons for design decisions made and comment on these. Also, the candidate hears the points crafters care about. Since the candidate meets with all its possible teammates in one virtual room, it can ask questions at any point to make us clarify.

We also ask for improving the design by drawing components and diagrams on a virtual whiteboard. That is an intense discussion that usually both sides improve their knowledge. The meeting takes around 1.5 hours.

After the completion, all crafters come together and analyze the interviews. If all participants strongly agree, we organize the last interview with the CEO of Craftgate, i.e. Hakan Erdoğan.

Step 4: Cultural Interview

This is the last step in our recruitment process. Hakan basically chats with the candidate and tries to understand if the candidate can fit the company from cultural and technical perspectives.

Do You Want To Join?

We tried to share all the details with you. if you want to join the team of crafters, do not hesitate and send your CV to

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Hope to meet you soon...


We are hiring! Learn all the details about how Craftgate recruits crafters