craftamap / pluploader

A simple plugin uploader for atlassian server tools written in python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Permssion denied when updating the license

EugenMayer opened this issue · comments

Installing the plugin works using the same credentials

pluploader --base-url http://$HOST --user admin --password admin -f plugins/confluence/target/confluence-7.0.0.obr --reinstall

Also getting the license works

but updating the license via

pluploader --base-url http://confluence.lan --user admin --password admin license info $PLUGIN_KEY

fail with

[15:48:58] ERROR    An error occured - check your credentials                                                                                                                                                                                      
           ERROR    (404, b'')    

As discussed on slack, the issue was a wrong $PLUGIN_KEY.

Sorry, layer 8 mistake. I used as the plugin key, as it is required in the rest API, but plupload wraps that and is the correct key. My bad. Thank you for the help!