craftamap / pluploader

A simple plugin uploader for atlassian server tools written in python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support private license tokens for cloud

EugenMayer opened this issue · comments

During development one would not only need a custom plugin descriptor but also a private access token from the marketplace to license the app. It would be cool if we could add this.

Since we already automate this all, i'am happy to share the snippet. It's ruby DSL in this case, but it wont amtter

    say_status 'ok', 'Activating private access token...'
    options = {
        body: {
            pluginKey: pluginKey,
            state: "ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION",
            token: @credentials_cloud_instance['token']
        basic_auth: {
            username: @credentials_cloud_instance['admin_user'],
            password: @credentials_cloud_instance['api_key']
        headers: {
            'Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.atl.plugins+json',
    uri = URI.join(@cloud_domain, '/wiki/rest/plugins/1.0/license-tokens'), options)

Seems to be fairly easy to integrate into the current workflow

Hey @EugenMayer ,

this looks like a great addition to the pluploader license workflow. I will add this, no promises on dates though, as I work on this in my freetime, mostly.

Sure, iam not blocked or anything - we have this automated using our tools already. I just would like to slowly merge efforts :) Take your time