craftamap / pluploader

A simple plugin uploader for atlassian server tools written in python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot install cloud descriptor

EugenMayer opened this issue · comments

I cannot install a cloud plugin descriptor. Neither using user/password or user/api toke (from Always getting that the UPM token cannot be retrieved.

pluploader install --cloud -u https://.../addon-descriptor.json 

base_url /username/password set via .pluprc
base_url looks like

tried it with the cli and docker version (0.7.0)

any hints?

Hey @EugenMayer ,

Thanks for reporting this! I will try it out later today. Could you tell me if you are using a jira addon or a confluence addon?

Cheers, Fabian!

confluence addon was it in my case

Hey there 👋🏼 ,

On my instance, it seems to work, when I set BASE_URL with /wiki at the end, and I use a app password/access token as well as my email address as a username.

Can you please set your base_url with a /wiki at the end?

Since cloud rollouts are sometimes wierd, could you maybe also tell me the version of upm your cloud instance is currently on? In my case it's v1001.0.146 (you can find this at the bottom of the installation page).

Adding /wiki and using an API token fixes it. In my case, using the password does not work. Not sure if that already is blacklisted.

Maybe we should add this to the docs, that the cloud instances must be suffixed with /wiki?

Or even validate when running --cloud?

Anyway, solved for me - probably some doc updates would be perfect. Thanks!

In this case, I will continue the discussion in #67 and close the ticket. Thanks for the help!